Well hey!

I had a simliar question a long time ago and lol I finally made the decision and went for the
Matrix MR-550 Digital Metronome. Here are my suggestions:
* Make sure the metronome supports accented beats... preferably 2/4, 4/4, 3/4 and in every 4 or 8 notes or something similar. This is good for drumming (and i'm assuming it's going to be used mostly for drumming. I'm a drummer myself, without a band because there's no metal scene and no one I know listens to metal).
* The sound should be audible, and an 'output' feature is almost absolutely necessesary if you're going to use it while drumming.
* A visual-only (mute mode) clicking display would help while recording (so look out LEDs or LCDs).
* A tuner would be nice, just to synth out all the notes in one scale.
* Tempo increments at one unit would be good.
* Portability would be appreciated.
* and don't forget $$, dont spend too much on metronomes.
I bought the
Korg MM-1 first (the smalles metronome) but then it was not good for drumming - barely audible, big increments of about 4! and no tuner.
So best of luck and enjoy timing!