Metsatoll - Hiiekoda


Old Fart
Jul 24, 2001
The Woodlands
Metsatoll – Hiiekoda
Nailboard Records – December 11, 2004
By Wayward_Son


Our second journey into Estonia brings us to folk metal band Metsatoll, and their debut album, Hiiekoda. The majority of music flying under the banner of “Folk Metal” is simply black metal with a few traditional instruments such as tin whistle or an accordion. However, Hiiekoda is what one could call true folk metal.

Within this debut work, it is the metal elements that take a back seat to the traditional Estonian instruments. Hiiekoda is quite similar to Skyforger’s all-acoustic and chanting album Sword Song and their Thunderforge work. Many songs are acapella chants giving off an air of myth. This writer is usually not a fan of such music, but Metsatoll pull it off quite well. Where the band truly shines are the times where the flutes, bagpipes, and other traditional instruments are played to full capacity. Surprisingly coming from this writer indeed, but Metsatoll are very average at playing their type of heavy metal.

The vocals are the one aspect that does not sit well. The chant-like vocals are fine, but the more aggressive heavy metal voice can ruin a song. It just does not fit with what Metsatoll are trying to convey. The other problem with Hiiekoda is the running time. Over one hour of this type of music can ruin any listener’s appetite for more. Many of the songs sound like filler anyway, so the band could have easily visited the editing room to trim things down a bit.

Overall, Metsatoll’s debut is a decent enough foray into folk heavy metal. Though the album it will certainly not convert anyone that was not a fan of this sub genre to begin with. Perhaps when we visit Metsatoll again they will have cleaned things up.

Official Metsatoll Website
Official Nailboard Records Website