Mexico anyone?

Mexico : The New Amsterdam.

All they need to do now is "governmentize" prostitution and they'll be all set.

:hypno: :zombie: :hypno:
Hmm. I don't think it will change things that much since the people that want to do drugs will do them illegally or legally. People that use drugs can just be more open about it now. And people that think drugs are a waste of time and stupid won't start using them now just because they are legal.

I would like to visit Mexico soon, however I know that I would be so high on the ambience and soaking up all of the Latino culture that I wouldn't have any need for drugs.
Fox was pressured not to sign it from what I last heard, but seems to me that the libertarians were clamoring for the same thing, and that’s why they can’t gain too much steam so Neil Boortz has denounce that policy, but look at what booze has done to people; it killed my father and ruined the family, so just imagine a psychotic drug induced individuals walking down the sidewalk right next to ya’. Weed is one thing, but the other junk, makes junkies and crazies, and degrades the health; look at what happened to Eddy V…he looks like hell.
RoboCaster said:
but look at what booze has done to people; it killed my father and ruined the family, so just imagine a psychotic drug induced individuals walking down the sidewalk right next to ya’. Weed is one thing, but the other junk, makes junkies and crazies, and degrades the health; look at what happened to Eddy V…he looks like hell.

Drugs and alcohol causes so much misery in life................
nlukes said:
Drugs and alcohol causes so much misery in life................

While I don't do drugs and very rarely drink, I have to disagree with you. It is truly unfortunate that people get wrapped up in such things to a degree that they harm themselves and others, responsibility must be placed with the users, not the chemicals.

I have a late sister-in-law that literally drank herself to death. Before she passed she was drinking a gallon of vodka a day. One week before she was scheduled to enter rehab for the third time, her body couldn't handle any more and shut down for good. She left behind a son and a husband, along with the rest of her family.

I don't blame Shmirnoff for her demise, I blame her lack of judgement and irresponsibility to not only herself, but to those that loved her. Especially her son.
I couldn't agree with you more LOD. These new ad campaigns that show a the picture of Chris Farley (sp?) and say "it wasn't his fault..." blah blah blah just make me sick. OF CORUSE IT WAS HIS FAULT!! Own up people! :mad:
Doodoobubbachuck said:
I couldn't agree with you more LOD. These new ad campaigns that show a the picture of Chris Farley (sp?) and say "it wasn't his fault..." blah blah blah just make me sick. OF CORUSE IT WAS HIS FAULT!! Own up people! :mad:

Thanks. It just comes down to people not wanting to take responsibility for what they do. What I don't get is that these problems keep getting labeled as a "disease". Alchoholism or drug abuse is NOT a disease. Its a choice you make. You're not going to become a meth addict because you sat next to one on the bus.
What I don't get is that these problems keep getting labeled as a "disease". Alchoholism or drug abuse is NOT a disease.

Sorry LOD it is well recognized that alcoholism and drug addition are physical/ mental diseases. You ever watch someone go through withdrawals? If they must take something to stop the withdrawal they are physically addicted and that is a "disease" for lack of any better term.

True addicts and alcoholics can only recover by never ingesting any of the substance ever again.

There is a key difference between a person that occasionally gets drunk but can have a single drink and stop as opposed to a true alcoholic that has a single drink then has mad cravings and has to keep drinking.

From talking to many drunks over the years there is an insanity to the alcoholic mind that a rational person cannot understand. They have some fucked up wiring that alcohol turns on. Was the wiring always fucked up or did drinking/drugging fuck it up? I've heard it said either but regardless it is now fucked up for good.

Are they responsible for taking that drink yes, are they responsible for the fucked up wiring, no.

You cannot deny the immense tragedy that alcoholism and drug addiction cause in peoples lives. Hopefully the true alcoholic or drug addict will recognize their addiction and seek whatever it takes to stop it before they cause too much destruction while drinking themselves to death. You saw that shit first hand with your sister in law. My sympathies to you and yours for the loss.

If the true self destructive alcoholic/addicts stop because of counseling, church, courts, AA, praying to bushes, believing it is a disease, whatever gets them to stop the self destuction, so be it.
They will still be alive and not potentially kill other people in the process of their own demise.

You may disagree with me but I have a bit of experience with drunks and addicts and they may be fine in some areas but their reaction and mentality to drugs or alcohol are not normal at all.

A true drunk thinks somebody that nurses a single beer through 5 innings of a baseball game is fucked in the head. Anyone that has a single glass of wine to relax after work doesn't know how to drink. Thinking somebody on TV who drops a couple of ice cubes in a glass and pour 2 fingers of Scotch should be slapped, nobody drinks that way.

Drunks have told me they thought those things. Insane, irrational, yes but it is they way they think of alcohol. They don't want one they want to get drunk. Be it mental, physical, or a combination of both who knows but there are people who need to never, ever have another drink.

I agree with everything you are saying here SPIDEYJG. Yes, it all depends on the wiring of a person. Some people can drink and stop and others can't. There is a very informative video out there called "The Highjacked Brain". This video discusses the loss of control that happens with an addict. I don't care for the concept of calling it a disease either, but I will call it a form of mental insanity and a physical imbalance in the body. They lack a certain chemical in the body that cannot properly process alcohol. A perfect example of this is the American Indians.
spideyjg said:
If they must take something to stop the withdrawal they are physically addicted and that is a "disease" for lack of any better term.

So I have a smoking disease because I can't quit without chemical help (getting my big box of patches next week :zombie:) ? I see and understand your point, but I just don't buy labeling dependence as a disease. Its a good buzz word to call attention to such things, but in my opinion thats the extent of its relevance.
Lord of Delusions said:
So I have a smoking disease because I can't quit without chemical help (getting my big box of patches next week :zombie:) ? I see and understand your point, but I just don't buy labeling dependence as a disease. Its a good buzz word to call attention to such things, but in my opinion thats the extent of its relevance.

Fair enough. Most folks agree addiction is a combination of a physical dependence and a mental disease. The only chance an addict has is to break the physical dependence then stay fugg away from that substance.

Good luck on the patch thing to quit smoking. Some guys found a website or something that would keep track of how many days, how many cigarettes not smoked, and the amount of money saved.
Stop smoking, save money, then buy more music stuff. :kickass:


Edit... They are quitmeters. See how long it takes to justify buying new stuff.
Hey years ago I went to a stop smoking hypnosis group seminar with a couple hundred people, but I sat up front for full impact, but I never felt like I went under any hypnosis after the group trance thing. I didn’t stop smoking at first over the next two weeks it got harder to smoke every day, I couldn’t even light a smoke without the extreme sadness, it hurt me emotionally to hold a smoke, so, group hypnosis works; however, there is a price to pay, but not too high since it works.