Mexicotour postponed :(

Dan Swanö

The Watcher
Nov 3, 2001
Due to a sudden rise in the flightprices to mexico the minitour is postponed..
just so you know...we focus now 100% on the new CD...

rock on and happy easter

Unicorn said:
lol, La Bamba.
Tell us something about the new CD instead :)

Apart from the missing Los Lobos tracks there is nothing new to say.
8 tracks so far. The recording start in June/ early July. Release date..not even the devil knows:headbang:
roxxor fuck mexico and come to xiamen in china, i'll get you a gig in 2 seconds! Btw, this goes for anyone who wants to make it big in a city with 2 million people who never had a good rock concert in town! This place is just asking for it, even crappy musicians make it big here 'cause they´re all there is in this place. Man, bring some metal here ASAP.
Nefilim said:
roxxor fuck mexico and come to xiamen in china, i'll get you a gig in 2 seconds! Btw, this goes for anyone who wants to make it big in a city with 2 million people who never had a good rock concert in town! This place is just asking for it, even crappy musicians make it big here 'cause they´re all there is in this place. Man, bring some metal here ASAP.
let me finish my album first, and then we bomb them with metal love :kickass:
Fly to San Antonio, Texas, and drive to Mexico. It'll be way cheaper, and Mexico isn't far from San Antonio, which is a big town where you might be able to get a gig. I'd for sure make the trip!
if there was a show with nightingale or anything familiar to me withing 6 hours i'd go, and i have 2 kids and a fiance. It'd be too rare to get that over here. All we have is rap. yyayayd i love rap, makes me so sad toakfjfk , never mind. GET TO THE FUCKING US NIGHTINGALE!!!!!!! (AND DAN AND EOS AND ETC.)