Mexicotour postponed :(

wardwarf said:
Fly to San Antonio, Texas, and drive to Mexico. It'll be way cheaper, and Mexico isn't far from San Antonio, which is a big town where you might be able to get a gig. I'd for sure make the trip!

That might be a mess to sort out with the visas. You can't get a visa to get into the US and then get out, or else it will be a very long time before they'll let you get another one. You'd at least have to fly OUT of Mexico if you did that.
Naglfar said:
That might be a mess to sort out with the visas. You can't get a visa to get into the US and then get out, or else it will be a very long time before they'll let you get another one. You'd at least have to fly OUT of Mexico if you did that.

Yeah, good point! I didn't think they'd need visas, if just treating it like a vacation. But I guess if they're making money, they need them. But would they if the money they're making is in Mexico?
Unicorn said:
I think the times when record labels payed tours are over since a long time.
Ehm, definitely not.

My brother's band's label (Osmose) provides financial tour support, just like a lot of labels still do. So I wouldn't be surprised if Black Mark at least contributes to this tour, probably not all, but something definitely.
Pretty small, but I don't think that's the problem.. they have a reputation of neglecting their bands (as Dan has mentioned in several interviews) and not being that eager to promote/give them support.
MadTinus said:
Ehm, definitely not.

My brother's band's label (Osmose) provides financial tour support, just like a lot of labels still do. So I wouldn't be surprised if Black Mark at least contributes to this tour, probably not all, but something definitely.

well then, let your brother support a Pan Thy Monium tour, I'll be there for sure ;)
Is it possible to leave black mark or would it be a breach of contract...
cause I'm pretty sure any large and supportive label will sign nightingale on the spot...especially with the fact that the band is not new and has several albums to show for themselves.
I feel like I'm quoting Dan all the time now, he should be answering this himself, but once again: In interviews (I think it was the same one as I mentioned earlier, from Metal Wire) he says that Black Mark lets him do whatever he wants do to, he can fuck around with whatever bands, play what the hell he wants etc, so that's a big advantage.
Damn ive been away from here for long enough... i came back and there.. the tour is postponed... No wonder i didnt heard anything from anyone over here.

I really hope you guys come on the near future, maybe after the release of the new album? i would really do my best to help out.. i dont know about the plane tickets but im sure i could be of help if needed..

Now im going to kick some walls in retaliaton. :(