Bwhahaha! Britney-lover... and my official member name is created :lol:

Maybe I can convince Meyvn to wear red leather body suits on stage? Ladies? Anyone else with me? Haha ;)
Maybe I can convince Meyvn to wear red leather body suits on stage? Ladies? Anyone else with me? Haha ;)

We're up for it... we've worn worse:

Haha! This is why you guys :rock:

Nice legs :Saint:

Edit: Where does a person FIND tiger-tights?? haha, this could be the start of a Meyvn tribute tradition (after-party only - good music doesn't deserve distraction) ;)
Okay here's the news you've been waiting for: 'Splintered Skies' will available The Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg through Bertus Distribution from March 1st. More news regarding other countries soon.
review on Lords of Metal below:
Meyvn are five absolute lunatics from Texas, showing their skills by playing very intensive metal performed on a very high level. Put Dream Theater, Dillinger Escape Plan and Dragonforce in a blender, add a bit of Atheist and Watchtower and there you are: a spicy glass of Meyvn drink.

The band is extremely technical, performs most of the time on high speed, and is capable of writing well-structured and innovative songs. Songs such as 'How Far We Fall', 'Disturbed' and the brilliant, eleven minute 'One World' featuring completely over the top guitar solos, give you hardly any chance to breath. Fortunately there are a few calmer tunes on the album, such as 'Arise' and the acoustical instrumental 'Power Of Fear'. Daredevil music. Not everyone will enjoy this album as much as I do. It's too heavy for proggies, too hectic for power metallers and too melodic for mathcore fans. Meyvn released a killer cd, and with an album like this they definitely deserve a place on the bill on this year's progpower fest in Baarlo, The Netherlands.

Rating: 89/100

interview will follow soon
I'm really psyched about this show after FINALLY receiving my copy :rock: Very enjoyable. Two enthusiastic thumbs up. Spandex FTW.