MFJ, En Vind, Tully, all who treasure New England

what's so wild is that Vermont made such an impression on me as a kid that I still vividly recall places like Quechee Gorge.

In fact, if a smoking Lincoln pulls up outside Max's dorm, it might me me looking to crash on his floor before heading out to see the sights :loco: :kickass:

Now I have the sudden urge to just leave work, throw some supplies in the car and head north :erk:

Havent been camping in forever it seems, cant wait to get back to it.
Im going camping in New Hampshire next weekend, cant wait. I want to move to either Maine or Vermont...if not, Canada. I was watching a special on Animal Planet last night on canada...MY GOD.

Anyways, thos epics are fucking fabulous and I wanna go on that fucking hike pronto....too bad I work. :(
lizard said:
Quechee Gorge.

I think I've been there.

I've vacationed in Vermont with my family probably a dozen or so times. Some of the best hiking I've ever experienced. New Hampshire is beautiful as well. I've been to Maine once, but in one of the more urban areas. I'd like to go back to one of the more woodsy areas when I have an opportunity.

I'm going to Vermont for the second weekend of September.