Mgla - The next circlejerk

They will release a cd with the material from this 7" and another 7" later this year. Meanwhile, find a distro that has their other cd ep, "Presence".
Just got their "Presence" MCD and all I can say is "holy shit". This is how black metal should be done... hot dang. To my ears they do their music DSO (pre SMRC) style, eg stacking awesome riffs on top of eachother, contrasting it all with even more kick ass drum patterns and finishing it of with well performed and dedicated vocals; and with that recipie you can't really fail :kickass:

Anyone who knows where I can get a copy of that 7" ?
Track 2 from Presence shits over 99% of all other black metal I've ever heard.

I'll go look for a distro now.

Edit: It's sold out from the label.

But I just found out that there is a split triple lp with DsO among others, that has 4 MGLA tracks on it.
But I just found out that there is a split triple lp with DsO among others, that has 4 MGLA tracks on it.

That's Crushing The Holy Trinity 3LP (including Clandestine Blaze, Deathspell Omega, Exordium, Mgla, Musta Surma, Stabat Mater) and it's of course sold out, but there's also a cd-version available.
i know where to get the crushing holy trinity CD thingy for $30

what exactly is on it?

A collection of bands (Clandestine Blaze, Deathspell Omega, Mgla, Exordium, Musta Surma and Stabat Mater) related to Northern Heritage have contributed a couple of songs each. I haven't heard anything but the DSO song, which kicks all kinds of ass, it but it supposed to be good.
Groza is fucking awesome. Been listening to it a lot lately, hypnotic, melodic, and dark. Fucking ace.