ITT you listen to one of the purtiest songs ever

The Christian wakes trembling with sweat
The cell's dark walls stony and wet
Metallic echoes as the bolts are drawn back
The door swings inward dull light through the crack
The jailer looks indifferent to him
A routine morning martyr's death for him
A misty cold sad morning greets the Christian's haggard grin
The rope is slung and the noose is tied and the Christian's neck is thin
The block is raised he stands erect the rope beneath his chin
They pull the block and the Christian drops he hangs above the sin


As a single star glides swiftly down the night
A soft wetting note issues from the time-worn flute
Frowning slightly the herald listens wistful across the night
And from way back behind the day comes the echoed answer
The day advances oh so softly his shadow lengthens and his voice is mute
But clear his flute and sadly walks forward followed by the day
Herald of morning walks across the earth eternally
Whoa... I was looking for a picture (on google) of The Golden Bough and I'm sent to Under the picture reads:

"WHO does not know Turner’s picture of the Golden Bough? The scene, suffused with the golden glow of imagination in which the divine mind of Turner steeped and transfigured even the fairest natural landscape, is a dream-like vision of the little woodland lake of Nemi— “Diana’s Mirror,” as it was called by the ancients. No one who has seen that calm water, lapped in a green hollow of the Alban hills, can ever forget it. The two characteristic Italian villages which slumber on its banks, and the equally Italian palace whose terraced gardens descend steeply to the lake, hardly break the stillness and even the solitariness of the scene. Diana herself might still linger by this lonely shore, still haunt these woodlands wild."

Weird... I just pasted those lyrics.
Ellestin said:
slightly off-topic: which Mahavishnu Orchestra albums should I get first?

"Birds of Fire", seriously. Get "The Inner Mounting Flame" AFTERWARDS. After that, get "The Lost Trident Sessions". Don't bother with the other crap, it's not the same lineup and it isn't half as good.

I listened to my original LP of Birds last night while I was meditating. Some of the best music ever created, I'm such a fucking Mahavishnu Orchestra enthusiast.
My guitar teacher gave me this VHS of a show they did for the BBC, and apparently there's only like 100 or so copies in the world (at least that's what he told me because he made me SWEAR that I wouldn't copy it). It's ridiculously fucking good... just proves how intense all of these musicians are. John is a god, probably the best guitar player in the world. Fucking Page should bow down to this guy.
MFJ said:
My guitar teacher gave me this VHS of a show they did for the BBC, and apparently there's only like 100 or so copies in the world (at least that's what he told me because he made me SWEAR that I wouldn't copy it). It's ridiculously fucking good... just proves how intense all of these musicians are. John is a god, probably the best guitar player in the world. Fucking Page should bow down to this guy.

That sounds really awesome, I've seen a few videos of John and co. performing in their hayday and it looked like really incredible performances. I also have this really awesome DVD with John Mclaughlin, Paco de Lucia and Larry Cordell performing acoustic versions of Mahavishnu stuff and some solo works as well.

Visions of the Emerald Beyond is also another great Mahavisnu release, but Inner Mounting Flame and Birds of Fire are fucking masterpeices.
Ellestin said:
Is it just me or this sounds like a hippie version of The Moon Lay Hidden Beneath a Cloud?

Which album is that and how do the other songs compare? I might be interested!

Hey Ellie, can you send me some TMLHBAC albums on mp3 sometime plz?