Comus - First Utterance

Krilons Resa

Jerry's married?!
Nov 7, 2002
Inside dorian's gym bag.
...because it deserves it's own thread, godamnit. This is some of the best pyschedelic, folk, twisted, dark, out there, prog, you name it album I have ever heard. I have been hooked on it for the past few months actually. I am not sure if many of you are familiar with it, but it RULES. Sure to appeal to someone like NAD, I suppose. I'm going to upload "Drip, Drip" in a couple hours for anyone eager enough to hear it. Also, has some of the best lyrics ever. It's where Opeth got the term "My arms, your hearse" from. And to think that this came out in 1970!!!! WTF!? o_O

Another one from back in the day I have been listening to a lot lately as well is Flower Travellin' Band. They are fucking amazing. Their guitarist blows everyone away from the early 70's imho.



This doublegate digi kicks ass.

"The Comus album First Utterance is a black light at the heart of British Folk music. Turning it's back on the amber glow of most prog-rock, it spins instead in altogether darker holes, taking nature at face value and succumbing to the rule of the claw. For Comus, the woods are full of Silent Hill dwarves, skipping and stabbing and sending steaming coils of blood and guts and dirty magic into the air.

The violins scrape at your insides, the shakers sound like rattling teeth and drums like a dozen trepanned skulls. They play thrash metal and drone-rock on acoustic guitars, strumming until their fingers bleed while Roger Wooton's possessed vocals rise further and further into some primal lycanthropic ecstasy. The la la las sound like the dying breaths of the sick and the insane, clambering in human pyramids to get back into the sun.

You know this guys eyebrows meet in the middle

There is music in here that is undeniably beautiful but it's all suffused with dirt and suffering and deep Cthonic evil. You can hear the Wicker Men flaring, the Gods walking around with huge spent cocks, the maenads tearing each other to pieces in Dionysic frenzy."
yes, been loving this album for a while now, stumbled across it thanks to the great reviews on the aquarius records site
"Song To Comus" is probably my favourite in there. About the Opeth thing yes.. haha its amazing how these fuckers got almost every title for song/album from an obscure 70s band/song, or even lyric, like in the Comus occasion. Even the cover of "Orchid" reminds the cover of a 70s band's called Still Life ( .... ) album.
For all who love Comus i must recommend Jan Dukes De Grey and their "Mice And Rats In The Loft", not folk in the way of Comus, but still with in the "Acid folk" category, with more instruments. They were a great influence for Current 93 (David Tibet writes the liner notes for the digipack re-release of the album)
IOfTheStorm said:
For all who love Comus i must recommend Jan Dukes De Grey and their "Mice And Rats In The Loft", not folk in the way of Comus, but still with in the "Acid folk" category, with more instruments. They were a great influence for Current 93 (David Tibet writes the liner notes for the digipack re-release of the album)

I'll take note of that, even though I hate Current 93.