MGS 2 Substance

Feb 28, 2003
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Basicly this game has fucked me up the ass. It's a direct port of the Xbox game, to the point where they didn't even remove the Xbox button config from the manual, so it only only supports nvidia cards, and I have an ATI card. The game is okay without the patch they released, with only some textures being weird, but the patch that is meant to add support for ATI cards makes it so much worse, and removes every texture that wasn't broken without the patch, so pretty much everything is grey, but it does fix the broken ones.

I've tried the 4.4 and 4.5 cats with and without the patches, and I've tried the 2 latest omega drivers with very little difference between them all.

Anyone got this game, and got it to work on an ATI card? or got any suggestions?
I have this game and on an ATI card, it was all messed until I installed latest MGS patch, and that fixed everything, so maybe try re-applying the patch?!? Also, make sure that Anti-Aliasing and AF are turned off in your video settings. Great fucking game though...I love it.