Mia leaves 54

Son of Metalman

No Visible Cheesegraters
May 26, 2001
I dunno who has checked the 54 front page recently, but I happened to check it for album 3 updates today and was sad to see that Mia has given up the managing duties of the band. I'm sorry to see her go, as she seemed to help them a great deal, and hopefully she will be successful wherever she goes from here.
I guess we can only hope the next manager will have the same drive to push 54 into the limelight and get the much needed media attention that they duly deserve, although in the mean time I'm sure Lakis will do a fine job by himself :grin:

I'm looking forward to the next 'album update', hopefully an album title, release date or some sample MP3's would suit me very nicely! Until then I shall continue to rock out to Rhapsody and Majesty, thrusting my horns skyward in the name of Blasphemous Heavy Metal of the truest variety :rock: HAIL HAIL HAIL
yes indeed Mia good luck with what ever you do in the future. You will be missed at the gigs ( i hope you will still find time to support the band and pop along to the occassional gig?)

also i'm sure lakis will do a fine job promoting the band. can't wait for the new songs.
Thanks to everyone for your kind comments and everyone who texted and e-mailed me. Just to set the record straight, some people are under the impression that I've had a falling out with the band, but the reason I had to leave was because I'd been quite ill and was told to take it easy. I will still be about at various gigs so I'm sure I'll see you all about at some point. I've recently heard a few clips of the new material and I'm sure you won't be disappointed, so let me also assure you that the new material plays no part in my leaving, as some people have asked. If the rest of the material lives up to the clips I've heard, it will be well worth the wait!!!

See you all soon...