mic -> computer?

That one adds a certain coloration to the tone. Some people like it, some don't. I can't really comment cuz I don't own one. I just decided to get something that was a transparent as possible which turned out to be the audiobuddy. Also, the audiobuddy gives you two channels where the art tube has only one. Just thought I'd throw that info out there for your decision making needs.
I don't use one, but the ART "toob" pre has gotten awful reviews all over the place. I reckon an Audiobuddy will be your best bet, as you'll get a better sound card thrown in for your money as well.
Also as far as mics, I would look into the Studio Projects C1. I bought both of these products on recommendations from professional and semiprofessional recording guys. I was basically told that for low budget home studios, these were the best products you can get that you can still use when you decide to upgrade you equipment. But that Rode is also supposed to be a nice mic.
Alex999 said:
I'm probably confused. M-Audio are generally a soundcard company. I don't have the AB anyway, I got a Delta410 soundcard and Focusrite pre, but that's upping the price tag a bit

Yeah they are. But they've started branching out into studio equipment. I own a set of monitor speakers, mic pre and soundcard from them.
I like my C1, but I've never heard the NT1 so I can't really comment too much. But, the C1 is the same price as the NT1 (within $20 I think) and comes with a shockmount. The NT1 doesn't. Those things can run about $100 a piece.
Yeah I noticed that. I'm off to the shop now, hope they got any of that stuff. Though I doubt if the prices will be acceptable there, but I'll see :)

EDIT: Just been there, they didn't have the C1. They did have the NT1A, which was a miracle on it's own, but they ask 314 for it. And they only have tube pre-amps :erk:
Maybe I should still order on music123.com, even with shipment costs it seems cheaper and they got a lot more.