Mic placement dilemma


Oct 19, 2012
So, i really need opinions. I have my 57 in front of my rig (ibanez ts9 > 5150ii > mesa oversized straight cab). Which of the sounds in the clip do you guys like more, sound 1 or 2? right now the 57 is right on the grill, my dilemma is I'm wondering if I back it up a half inch if I'll have a bit more controlled low end, which would help it sit in a mix better. But I dont' want to lose the magic of this position and kick myself later if i can't get it back.

Do you think I should keep moving the mic ,or leave it where it is and be happy with this tone? Maybe add some more mics (like a ribbon or condenser)?

p.s. I just have a low pass filter on and a narrow eq at one frequency to get some fizz out.

https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/140656441/Which Guitar Setting?.mp3
How are we supposed to judge a guitar tone if it's only 3 seconds long? If you want to experiment a bit more but like the inititial tone you have now you can always mark your mic stands leg position with gaffer tape
Yeah this isn't really enough to offer an opinion on. The only way to learn with this kind of stuff is to try some different positions and listen to them with a mix going. If you have the ability, try to listen through headphones while adjusting the mic. Record 30 seconds to 1 minute of the song, left guitar and right guitar, then try a different position. Then tweak the amp settings. Then listen through them. Then get really confused from ear fatigue. Try moving the mic again. Get really angry cuz you can't figure out if it's good or not. Convince yourself it is good. Listen to someone else's recordings and then realize your tone sucks.


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