What am I doing wrong? Anyone with a Dual Rec do reamping?

Hi guys. I've been watching the forum for quite a long time, but decided to sign up just now. Here is the reamping I did earlier today. Chain was Dual Recto > my cab from a local manufacturer (V30s) > SM57 on cap edge > custom preamp. No processing was done. Please do note, that though both the cab and the preamp are custom, they are not expensive. I actually have them because I get better quality for the money here where I live.
Hope this reamp helps too to find your tone.

So I put another guitar I got in drop C. Heres a quick test I did with it (by the way rough mix and playing). A lot closer to what Im looking for. Im thinking I might have to keep tweaking mic position and settings. What do you think? I really just want it to sound professional.

https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/140656441/Amaz ish Fern test (new str).wav

And yea thanks Dobri. It really helped hearing it through other peoples setups. Hopefully I can get a professional tone. Man it seems impossible.