Helping A Noob With Mixing and EQ


Nov 13, 2003
Las Vegas
Ok ... before i get into a "HOW DOES THIS MIX SOUND" bit. Let me explain the reason for this. What im hopeing to do is actually learn to do this properly and learn the reasons WHY i get the tones and sound i get.

I realise not having a TUBE amp isnt going to give me great results. But i am looking to optmise what i do have at my disposal to get a decent sound.

This is a demo ive been working on for about a week. Its alony about the 1st minute of the song but all the MAIN parts to the tune are there. This is being recorded with a (dare i say it) Behringer X-Vamp Direct. At the moment i dont have a mic or a decent amp to record it with, but as i stated im trying to OPTIMISE what i do have to get the best sound possible with this.

The drums are Andys samples he put here on the forum. and the bass is samples aswell of a Yamaha RBX recorded direct through a sansamp. I had a buddy of mine do this so i had something decent to demo with.

Here is the problem im running into. No matter what i do to the guitars or bass i cant get a decent sound. Now im not trying to make it sound GODLY, Just as goos as possible with the equipment im using. This may be an ill attempt at recording with this crap i got, but at the moment its all i have and i know i can get better results than i am getting now.

I have used all the advice i see on this forum, compression settings, EQ settings, all that jazz and for some reason my mixes always come out weak an in the bottom of the EQ spectrum. I dont know why. What could i be doing wrong ?

Im concerned here with the mix as a whole.

Would changing the guitar tone to something with more mids or lows help ?
Is the bass sound the problem ?
Do both together not compliment the drums properly ?
What can be done to make this all work?

Being a noob

I think i have a decent ear, not great by any means but decent. Ive done some regular pop rock recordings and gotten good results, but im a metal head for sure and my own songs never come out as good as this pop rock crap i do Not the writing the recording of them i mean

So with that being said is there anyone out there willing to help a noob learn how and why my mixes suck ?

Im looking for detailed feedback from anyone and everyone here if possible.

In advance thank you very much.

Heres the clip.

Da Fukn Guru
hi ,
i probably couldn't give you any good advice
but i did try to listen to it but the link is dead and save target as didn't work
either ...