Noob with Guitarsuite


Nov 21, 2005
Calgary, AB
So I had posted the "Noob with Amplitube" thread and ultimately think I got a pretty good punk tone.

But now, due to your recommendations, I've tried Guitarsuite. Its damn good.. especially for free. Amazing whats available for $0.00 these days.

Anyway, what do you think of THIS tone?

No real bass... its just the guitar pitch shifted an octave.
Not too bad man, can really hear the lack of a proper bass in it though. Care to share settings? and guitar/pickups used? And how did you get the guitar signal into your comp? DI box, or just plugged into the line in?
Cheapo Ibanez with regular (passive) pickups straight into computer.
Used the TubeScreamer into the JCM.
I'll post the settings when I get home (at work right now).

I'm really happy with that tone.

I think I'm gonna buy a bass in the next few days... some real bottom end is required.
I'll have to check this out later. I am using about the same equipment that you are and I'm getting a nice sounds out of a GS setting I found in that thread that you referred to. It's all I use now.
Andy posted some Guitarsuite settings??? Can you post them or a link?

Here's mine:
gain 4.5
Tone 5.6
Level 10

JCM 900 Channel B
Drive 8.6
Lo 5.0
Med 1.3
Hi 8.1
Presence 0.0
Vol 8.3
Here are the settings I am using. I'll post a clips next week sometime.
Tube Screamer
Gain: 4.5
Tone: 7.5
Level: 8

Channel: ChB
Drive ChB: 10
Low: 9
Mid: 3
High: 8
Prescence: 8
Volume: 5

Then I used an EQ to scoop out severeal dB around 370Hz, and I also lowered a few dB around 3,2KHz.