Mic pre-amps, compressors, plug-ins, etc


Huge Member
Aug 29, 2006
This is kind of a follow up to my How to record rock vocals post...

I have a Behringer Ultra Voice Pro and recently when recording some vocal tracks I have discovered that it is a piece of shit. :Puke: A

Anyway, what do you guys recommend for a decent pre-amp unit? I looked at the FMR RNC, or just straight through with plug ins, or, or ,or. All I want is just some decent sounding vocals that aren't compressed to death or all over the board with peaks and valleys and then compressed to death. My mic is a Shure KSM27

The Joe Meek 3q. It is not expensive and has a built in compressor and EQ. The compressor is ok..it's super aggressive. But you can dial it in gently and tame peaks with it. I don't use the EQ much, but this pre would be a major step up from the Behringer and is a major bargain for the price.