Michael Jackson passes

Within the narrow confines of pop, he was a genius, and his music was its own brand of progressive for those who really listened. The 'real' MJ died a long time ago, but, its a tragedy nonetheless.

I totally concur... In it's time, the Thriller video was just freakin' bad ass, it set a new video standard (while it lasted) and I don't think another music video has ever come close.. As great a genius he was with his music, his life was just as messed up... I'm sure with $400 million worth of debit would stress anyone out..

All condolences to Ed McMahon's, Farrah Fawcett's and the Jackson family for their losses...

Did anyone see "Farrah's Story" on NBC a few weeks ago - it was really a heavy eyeopener...
I Just heard this one.

When Farrah Fawcett arrived at the Pearly Gates earlier, Peter said that she could have one wish and that God would grant it for her. She wished that all the children in the world would be safe!
Aw, come on. We really shouldn’t joke about MJ, think of all the people he touched, especially the children.
Ed McMahon, Farrah Fawcett, and Michael Jackson die and go to Heaven. And at the pearly gates, St. Peter says to them, "Ed! Great to see you! I loved your work on the Tonight Show! You're gonna love it up here, Johnny's been waiting for you!"

Ed says, "Yeah it should be fun up here, I brought two white women with me!"
It would have been great if MJ got to do his comeback tour. It's impossible to overstate his importance in music history. Whether you liked the guy or not, the world lost a music icon yesterday.