Michael Jackson

Officer Nice

Oct 7, 2002
I saw this Michael Jackson joke on one of the boards around here.
I didn't make it up and I aint tryin to take any credit for it.

Q: What did the lady say to Michael Jackson at the beach?
A: Michael, get out of my son!

I was reading the news and stumbled on this:

Officials have already begun a formal investigation of the well being of Jackson's three children, Prince Michael I, Paris Michael and Prince Michael II--the famously dangled baby also known as Blanket.

Investigating is the right thing, but I had no idea he had 3 kids now
and 2 of them are named Paris Michael. Good God.
I like George Foreman naming all of his kids George better.
I hate the french and I'd have to be f'd up to name any one of my SONS
Paris. Oh, I forgot, we're talking about Michael Friggin Jackson.

-My 2 Cents
Micheal Jackson joke that I can't take credit for...

McDonalds has created a sandwhich in honor of Micheal Jackson- It's a piece of 45 year-old meat between two 12 year-old buns.
-courtesy of famousamoswillkillyou... well, her father, actually.
Ok Ok.

I've yet to have a beer today, I'm a little slow on the uptake....

Now I get it.


Michael Jackson was on a ship with 100 cub scouts when it hit an iceberg and started to sink. The captain announced, "We're sinking! Everyone abandon ship!"
Michael Jackson asked, "What about the children?"
The captain replied, "Screw the children!"
Michael Jackson looked around eagerly and said, "Do we have time?"

The Pope has issued a proclamation on Michael Jackson. If he hears any more allegations about little boys, the Pope says he'll have no choice but to make him a priest.