Michael Manring (fretless bass player)

Amazing. What is he doing when he's touching the headstock? Is he turning the tuning pegs? It looks like there are some smaller pegs near the primary tuning pegs.
The tone is awesome! I don't think I've heard solo bass sound that amazing! Wootens tone is good, but this is awesome!!!

The guy sitting down in this video is a dude named Don Ross - GO NOW! Youtube his name - he is an unbelieveable acoutsic guitar player.
at 4:10 you clearly see his mechanics. There are a second peg for each one of them, that can detune of one tone, and I think you can see he can in addition pull on the pegs that have a special mechanism that brings it to its original place when released. It's like having a vibrato for every string.

Also, I think he has those "detuners" on the bridge too.

It reminds me of the "D-tuner", a system for floyd rose that allow you to detune your low string a tone lower so that you pass in dropped D at any moment without having string/floyd balance issue.
Yeah, michael manring is sick.
He has a D-tuner on every tuner. Really diggin his style.
Red an interview with him, he said, that he likes the D-tuners because
he can change every tone rings in a different way when the string is tuned lower.
His live stuff with Andy McKee is cool.