Michael Pinnella Interview Tonight


New Metal Member
Jul 26, 2003
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Hey guys,

I realize you look down on plugging but I figure since I know that you're all huge SymX fans here, you won't want to miss this.

Tonight on my show I've got a live interview with Michael Pinnella for about 25 minutes. I'll also be spinning his entire new solo CD 'Enter By The 12th Gate'. You can also look forward to hearing some new Neal Morse from One for anyone who hasn't heard that beast either.

As for Pinnella questions - I can tell you that there will be discussion on the ongoing comparison between DT and SymX, Mike's favorite venues, influences, and much more.

Again sorry for plugging my show but I figure you many of you fans would really like to know about this interview.

The URL is www.thedividingline.com - my show is called Overnight Sensation and I go on the air at 10pm Pacific time. Theres a clock on the program guide section of the page that shows the current time on the pacific coast for you. If you're around drop into chat during the interview.
