Michael Pinnella's solo record


New Metal Member
Jun 12, 2006
"Enter By The Twelth Gate" Mike Pinnella solo CD. I have it, it is entirely keyboard, with some drums and bass added in, no guitar. there is some very cool synthesizer parts, and Mike is in full creativity. I just wanna know what everyone thinks about it. I really like some of the songs a lot, especially The White Room, and the title track.
Enter by the Twelfth Gate is probably one of the most played albums on my iTunes. I personally enjoy Falling From The Sky quite a bit. The three Piano Concerto movements are quite nice as well.

I listen to Pinella's album when I do alot of deep thinking and stuff. It works well with the speed that my brain thinks at.
Wounded Land said:
Excellent album. Very moody and atmospheric. Great stuff.

NP: Ice Age "Liberation"

Ice Age owns...I just rediscovered them in my CD collection...I love their singer dude.

As for Pinnella's solo album, I found it rather thought provoking, but I can only listen to it once every so often. I find some parts blah and some are too over the top for me, but it definitely has it's good moments.
Granted it's been a while since I've heard the album, I remember thinking some of the songs were just too busy for me. I find busy in music good, but too much of it bores me to tears.