Michael Schenker Group

See You In Hell

Is this the real McCoy?
Feb 13, 2007
Well, looks like MSG (no, not Madison Square Garden or monosodium glutamate) actually did the unthinkable and performed a live show in the USA over the weekend. I stumbled across this link for some interesting details:


Given his cancellation history of the past I'm still quite nervous something will happen before he gets here to Dallas on July 1. Still, at least he played a show instead of canceling the tour before it ever started over here so perhaps.....PERHAPS....there is a little reason for guarded optimism?

Anyway, I thought Michael Schenker fans might be interested.... :headbang:
I have to edit. He was supposed to be playing with Lynch Mob? Not sure what happened but GL is off the date and Doug Doppler is in. It is this weekend too....

there are no dates anywhere close to me. According to Chris Caffrey, Michael is one of his favorite guitarists, just a little something I learned last night.
Here in San Diego it's Doug Doppler & Ritual Habits are scheduled to open up,
no Lynch, the date here is june 25th

We've been keeping an ear out, waiting to see if this would actually happen. I think he cancelled the last two gigs here in SD. To be honest, I'm surprised Brick by Brick would even schedule him again. My gf saw him there the time before that though, and said it was a great show. Here's hoping it will happen.