Michael Schenker last night


Steal Your Face
Feb 18, 2003
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I saw Michael Schenker last night in Fairfax, Ca. That's a town about 20 or 30 minutes outside of San Francisco, but very much in the country. Once you get over the golden gate bridge you are in the rural (albeit somewhat populated areas), so why he played there instead of the city is beyond me, but it was just 10 minutes from my house, so I can still hardly believe me luck on this one.

I talked to a few people at the show, and just like me they found it strange he was playing such a small bar. I know his spotty past, and I also know that he's not exactly at the height of his popularity, but this place holds 200 to 300 max, and probably less. Anyway, I digress.

What I can say is that, hands down, he freaking destroyed the place. He came out looking healthy, happy, and fit, and just played like a man on fire. He was flawless. I didn't jot down the playlist, but highlights included Into the Arena, Rock Bottom, Ready to Rock, Attack of the Mad Axeman, Doctor Doctor, and more. There were two off the new record, one off the even newer acoustic record....and more classics.

It was awesome, and he was every bit the guitar god. The crowd loved it, and Gary Barden seemed impressed with the reaction, as did Michael, who sang along with songs, teased the audience, and even let people in the front row strum chords on his guitar in the intro to Lost Horizon.

I snapped a couple photos, but the 'ol iPhone doesn't have the best camera in the world...

Ahhhh man, I'd LOVE to see this! Memories from 81-82....I still can't believe Molly Hatchet opened for them (with Jimmy Fararr on vox) I was in heaven, the metal crowd wasn't thrilled with MH, but it rocked!
Based on the videos you can find on Youtube..everything people say is true! The Mad Axeman is back and better than ever. Just to hear him play Lost Horizons again is such a joy! The band is tight and even though Gary is not the same as he used to be, he and Michael make good chemistry on stage. Don't miss out on this tour if you can. Are you ready to rock?? :rock:

Let Sleeping Dogs Lie
Armed & Ready
Ready to Rock
I Want You
Night to Remember
Into The Arena
Lost Horizons :notworthy
Rock My Nights Away
On & On :)
Attack of the Mad Axe man


Gypsy Lady
Doctor Doctor
Rock Bottom