michaels niklassons bass amp for sale


what ever!!!!!
Oct 11, 2001
ok,here we go.the amp it self it`s a PEVEAY MARK VIII 600 watts-with 2 cabinett`s, one 4*10, and one 1*15 .this amp has been used in the recording off,THE MIND`S I,PROJECTOR,HAVEN AND DAMAGE DONE,there is a hard cases also invoulving the amp it self,made off WOOD and IRON, for ruff travelling,so if you live in sweden (or what ever ).if you have some interest in my AMP+you can test it our rehursal lokal if you whant,im potting this add out first here,becouse i wanted all off you to se this before i put the add on the net,the prise is 12000:- or higest betting!!!!! im selling this amp becouse my endorsment (sponsor ship ) by WARWICK...that`s it... michael nicklasson..bass-dark tranquillity
Originally posted by Misanthrope
Mmmm, this borders the line of spam but since it is a collectible item and you sell it directly, ill overlook it :D

*looks the other side*
im just doing this for the thing..if you think otherwise,then .ok.,...if there is people who like bying it,,ok,,,if not,,ok...that`s it.dont give me the fxxin spam..cheers michael .n. d-t
I'd buy it but i don't know shit about bass, i don't live in sweden and i don't have the money for it :eek: :p
Will the amp be autographed? :)
What da hell is wrong with you guys ??
You wan't the Dark Tranquillity damn bass amp or not? If you're just too mess-mind to dare try this amp out (what do think? they're not gonna rape you in the local) Just shut up, some guys in sweden can get the fucken amp, if you can't, it's your point, but let the dude sell his damn good gear...
Originally posted by Ormir
Why would you want a bald drunk to sign your amp? :)

So I can tell my buddies, I have a bass amp signed by a member of Dark Tranquillity, and you don't. Na na na. :p
Originally posted by Arch

So I can tell my buddies, I have a bass amp signed by a member of Dark Tranquillity, and you don't. Na na na. :p

Nah, the point is that it's the fucking amp that was USED BY DarkTranquillity !! And you hear it's damn sound on their records! That's what you gotta say to your buddies!
Originally posted by Nicky_M16

Nah, the point is that it's the fucking amp that was USED BY DarkTranquillity !! And you hear it's damn sound on their records! That's what you gotta say to your buddies!

Yeah, and that too!
Originally posted by Ormir
Why would you want a bald drunk to sign your amp? :)

ok,this was maybe a bad idea to put this add in here,but i just whanted to let you people here on the forum to know it first,and maybe,just maybe someboddy was interested of getting it,signed or not,doesent matter,as long as i know that i make someboddy happy ...that`s it omir.cheers:wave: :wave: