michaels niklassons bass amp for sale

@warwick: nah, don't take it so bad, we're just kidding since we can't buy it, i guess :)
Don't worry Michael, Ormir's just jealous cuz he knows he's not as cool as you. :)
Originally posted by Nicky_M16
What da hell is wrong with you guys ??
You wan't the Dark Tranquillity damn bass amp or not? If you're just too mess-mind to dare try this amp out (what do think? they're not gonna rape you in the local) Just shut up, some guys in sweden can get the fucken amp, if you can't, it's your point, but let the dude sell his damn good gear...

what is wrong with YOU, when did you lost your sence of humor?
Originally posted by Misanthrope

what is wrong with YOU, when did you lost your sence of humor?

Well actually If it's my case, neither micheal has no sense of humor. Since I'm not the one who made micheal regret to TALK TO US about the amp, I think YOU should be working on your sense of humor... no offense.
i can play bass (well, sort of) and i would definitely love to have the amp, but i have nowhere to fit it _and_ i don't have the money :(
