Michael Vick was, is and always will be a clown!!! No matter what color he is.... He's a shit QB and he's obviously a shit person.. Just another product of the NFL hype machine who's not nearly as good as advertised.
Why roger goodell hasn't suspended him already, I don't know
Anyhow, M Vick is so overrated. When he first joined the league I was excited to watch the Falcons. Now when the Falcons play, its like hearing the Browns, Tigers, Raiders, or Oilers are playing, BLAH.
dude, i just vomited a little bit in my mouth. any time i hear the someone mention the oilers, i get this weird physical reaction. like when i have to listen to more than 2 st. vitus songs in a row. i get sweaty and cold and start to have shortness of breath.
i still watch the astros play but its only in hopes that craig biggio will break his ankle during a play. and when the oilers moved, as much as i hated them, i didnt want them to go. houston is a breeding ground for the most bitter sports fans. boston aint got shit on us.
In general. I'm not a fan of the black. Even less so for the Black Athlete.
Best Regards,
I hope they nail that savage bastard to the wall.....if hes guilty
Everyone I have EVER known that owned a pitbull, especially if they had more than one, fought them. From gangsta G dawg niggas to white trash Bob.
i hope they nail that savage bastard to the wall.....anyways.
It be kind of cool it they nailed him to a cross.....
Fuck him and people like him. Stupid fuck hole, the guys is a straight up my pals, not nigga, I said my pals. And fuck the spics and white trash cunts that are down with dog fighting as well. Just one more group of people god should wipe from the earth.
i hope they nail that savage bastard to the wall.....anyways.