I know this is going to sound RACIST but I don't care..


"Fear the man"
Apr 22, 2002
Micheal Vick is a scumbag my pals and I hope he gets raped by some big ass white power cracker in prison..

Webster states...

my pals |ˈnigər|
noun offensive
a contemptuous term for a black or dark-skinned person.
ORIGIN late 17th cent.(as an adjective): from earlier neger, from French nègre, from Spanish negro ‘black’ (see Negro ).
USAGE The word my pals was used as an adjective denoting a black person as early as the 17th century and has long had strong offensive connotations. Today it remains one of the most racially offensive words in the language. Also referred to as 'the n-word,' my pals is sometimes used by black people in reference to other black people in a jocular or disparaging manner, or some variant in between (in somewhat the same way that queer has been adopted by some gay and lesbian people as a term of self-reference, acceptable only when used by those within the community).
It's the same shit every time. A big shot celeb thinks he's invincible and can get away with anything, then they get caught and NOW their sorry? Sorry my ass. Like anybody is going to beleive the "I made a bad judgement" bullshit. If you honestly believe that this waste of sperm is sorry for anything then I am sorry for your ignorance. This "man" (and I use the term extreamly lightly) is a piece of shit in shits purest form. What the fuck is 23 months going to do? Absolulty nothing. Fuck this scumbag and let's all hope he gets murdered.
Whoops, guess I should have read this post first. Vick is a scumbag, piece of shit. I wish some of those pitbulls would have turned on Vick and attacked his pathetic, sorry ass.
I saw a special on ESPN about Vick a few months ago. Former teamates & some religious people were saying that Vick should get a chance to redeem himself. and be allowed to play again. Playing a professional sport is a priviledge, not a right. Vick disgraced his team, the city of Atlanta, and the NFL. I hope Roger Goodell bans his ass from the NFL for life. Fuck Vick & anyone who feels sorry for him.
I guarantee he's sorry he forfeited 142 million dollars....Its like he was holding a winning lottery ticket and just threw it away....
Of course he's sorry about the money because that's all he gave a fuck about. I was saying he dosent feel one ounce of remorse for what he and the rest of his crew of low lifes did to any of those animals. All's he feels bad about is his loss of money and the fact that he got caught.
I love how these sorry, piece of shit, scum bags like Vick all of a sudden "Found Jesus", after they've been caught. They feel once they're in deep shit, they better pray and hope Jesus will save their sorry asses. Vick should pray that he doesn't get ass-raped in jail.
I love how these sorry, piece of shit, scum bags like Vick all of a sudden "Found Jesus", after they've been caught. They feel once they're in deep shit, they better pray and hope Jesus will save their sorry asses. Vick should pray that he doesn't get ass-raped in jail.

Now now, he's a big feller.


If'n there's any ass-rapin' to be done, you can betch'a ass-rapin' will surely be done by him!

They'll call him "MAD DOG" Vick.


All newcomers'll be initiated into the all-ladies needlepoint club over on block nine by Mad Dog!


"Bend over an' take it like a man."

Now now, he's a big feller.


If'n there's any ass-rapin' to be done, you can betch'a ass-rapin' will surely be done by him!

They'll call him "MAD DOG" Vick.


All newcomers'll be initiated into the all-ladies needlepoint club over on block nine by Mad Dog!


"Bend over an' take it like a man."


I wonder if he'll try and go into wrestling after his time in jail is up, ...and in this corner Michael "MAD DOG" Vick. I wonder what he'll use for his finishing manuever?

I'd would love to hear what MAD DOG's fellow inmates are saying to him. I'm sure a lot of inmates are busting Vick's balls big time.
Now now, he's a big feller.


If'n there's any ass-rapin' to be done, you can betch'a ass-rapin' will surely be done by him!

They'll call him "MAD DOG" Vick.


All newcomers'll be initiated into the all-ladies needlepoint club over on block nine by Mad Dog!


"Bend over an' take it like a man."


Mike Tyson was a big boy and he came out of the joint all sorts of I got my ass filled crazy. As big as Vic is there's a crazier fucker in there just itching to prove how bad he is by taking a shot at him.