Micheal Vick dog fighter and black asshole

Everyone I have EVER known that owned a pitbull, especially if they had more than one, fought them. From gangsta G dawg niggas to white trash Bob.

i owned a pitbull [Buddy]. that pup was strictly for loving... not fighting.
he'd actually been owned by a drug dealer that used him for fighting, but he wasnt much of a fighter and when i found him he was near-starved [too weak to hold his head or tail up] and covered in scars. i fed him and watched after him until he was healthy again and he was the sweetest pup, ever! he thought he was a Pomeranian. he was over 100 pounds and still thought he was supposed to sit in the lap of anybody that sat down close to him. :lol:
oh snap, ive never seen black people bowl!

I know theres a movie, I think its an Eddie Murphy movie from the 90's, where two black guys are playing pool and one says to the other: this is'nt a black mans game, one white ball knocking around a bunch of colored balls, now bowling thats a black mans game, a black ball knocking down a bunch of white pins.

I know theres a movie, I think its an some Eddie Murphy movie from the 90's, where two black guys are playing pool and one says to the other: this is'nt a black mans game, one white ball knocking around a bunch of colored balls, now bowling thats a black mans game, a black ball knocking down a bunch of white pins.


I didnt know Eddie murphy did anything after beverly hills cop 2
Pretty much, although your vulgar stupidity certainly helped inspire me, so I give you credit where it is due.
Oh no, Sorry if I offeded you. Your so much smarter then me. And your so witty. Damn how will I ever live with myself now. Oh I am a horrible person. I used a racial slur against someone who is a stereotypical racial slur.... Do me a favor cunt boy get Aids, pass it to your kids and stop breathing my air, That alright for you cunt boy... Don't reply, just walk away and come back when you grow a pair faggot lips.
Oh no, Sorry if I offeded you. Your so much smarter then me. And your so witty. Damn how will I ever live with myself now. Oh I am a horrible person. I used a racial slur against someone who is a stereotypical racial slur.... Do me a favor cunt boy get Aids, pass it to your kids and stop breathing my air, That alright for you cunt boy... Don't reply, just walk away and come back when you grow a pair faggot lips.

I think reading your post took my IQ down a few points, so bear with me if my grammar seems just as poor as yours. Then again, it'd be wrong for me to tease you for dropping out of grade school and I suppose you can't help having all that chlorine in your gene pool.
I think reading your post took my IQ down a few points, so bear with me if my grammar seems just as poor as yours. Then again, it'd be wrong for me to tease you for dropping out of grade school and I suppose you can't help having all that chlorine in your gene pool.
Listen cupcake. I'll say this and leave it at that cause fighting over the internet is about as entertaining as pisssing in the wind. Either your with us or against when it comes to people like Michael Vick. You dont like that I used the word my pals. Fine, o.k I get it. Perhaps I should post pics of Al Sharpton so you can see an even bigger my pals. Got a problem with me.. Well come and get me pussy boy. Where I live is no secret. We could always take this to another level and I hope we do. Put up or shut up cause your whiney shit talking hole is getting old. Oh and as for my grammer. It sucks and I got no problem with that but I get my point across.
It looks like this piece of shit will have to stand alone now... All of his "Homies" are too worried about their own asses and will let Faggot Vick go down alone... Makes you wonder if he tried buying one or all of his "Peeps" to take the wrap entirely and get his ass off the hook.

I'm always a little happy when a no talent, less than human, lucky son of a bitch pushes his luck too far!! You know up till this thing got really serious Vick and the retards who comprise his fan base were all saying the same thing.... "It's Michael Vick he'll get over on this" Well I think reality is finally beginning to set in for him...And the tards have to take off their blindfolds and accept the inevitable...Michael Vick will be convicted and have to do some type of institutional time (Probably a resort) Bet the Falcons are wishing they were smarter and had kept Matt Schuab.

On a side note...Anyone watch Monday Night Countdown last night?? It was great!!! No more ridiculous Michael Irvin comments.... Emmitt & Keyshawn were cool... I'm hoping it stays that way!!:kickass: