Michele Luppi no longer singing in Vision Divine

Yeah, I just don't see Vision Divine doing well without Luppi. they didn't do too well before they got him.

And I'm not sure Luppi is very good without Vision Divine. Someone page Magnus Karlsson, quick! We've got a singer in need of a solo project!
Ok yeah I'm with the crowd 'this sucks' 'I hate this' 'booooooo' and everything else describing that Luppi's no long with VD....

dammit... like SUPER dammit... dammit to the upteenth power... :zombie:
So who is the new singer. They said today we would know but are now saying it would be longer. It could be the return of Fabio.......or.......there was a message on myspace from them about this that had the word "angry" in quotation marks. I know I am stretching here but was that a tip............could the tip be Angra? If so, would it be Mattos or Edu. I'm just pulling at straws here but I found it odd that they had quotation marks around the word angry.
Heh... for some reason this makes me think of the guy who was crying during Blind Guardian's ProgPower set in 2002. He was singing along every word, and at the same time completely bawling, with tears streaming down his face. As someone who was a fan since 1996 and for years thought we'd pretty much never see them in the US, I can understand being excited, but this was way over the top! :lol: :lol:

PRICELESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol:

This is a huge bummer for sure. Luppi was the star of this show and the writing on the last disc wasn't so hot. We'll see...


np: Volbeat - Rock the rebel...
Yeah, I just don't see Vision Divine doing well without Luppi. they didn't do too well before they got him.

And I'm not sure Luppi is very good without Vision Divine. Someone page Magnus Karlsson, quick! We've got a singer in need of a solo project!
Luppi already has a solo project called Heaven.

IIRC, Nick (DotW) bought the Heaven disc a year or so ago and it stunk in comparison to Vison Divine. Pretty bland almost soft-rock music, with very Christian-oriented lyrics. Nothing special that I remember. Anyone know if he will be retuning to that or has he ended that project and decided to take a new direction?

Personally, I'm not a big Vision Divine fan. I don't think they are bad, I just never got hooked. The only albums I own are the ones with Fabio on them, so if he returns than I may become more interested in the band. Either way, I'm sure I'll at least get to hear the new stuff with the new singer, since Nick is a big Vision Divine fan.
Luppi already has a solo project called Heaven.

IIRC, Nick (DotW) bought the Heaven disc a year or so ago and it stunk in comparison to Vison Divine. Pretty bland almost soft-rock music, with very Christian-oriented lyrics. Nothing special that I remember. Anyone know if he will be retuning to that or has he ended that project and decided to take a new direction?

Heaven is a mellow hard rock disc and it's not bad for what it is, it's just not great. There's another solo project of his out now called Los Angeles and it's not even as good as Heaven. It's got a few good tunes but some (actually most) are down right bad Richard Marx songs that he actually sings... and it's not a joke.

I'll stick with Stream and Perfect Machine when I'll need a Luppi fix.



np: Echosilence - Distorted horizon