microsoft GM synth in reaper - help!


Jul 27, 2005
hey guys,

i want to export the midi files of our songs (tabbed in guitar pro 5) and import them into reaper. the idea is to render an mp3 file of the tab so our drummer can use it on his mp3 player and rehearse to the click.
for some reason the render to wave file function in guitar pro doesn't work. i can only select fireface midi in the guitar pro render dialogue.

anyways, when importing the midi file into reaper, i get no sound.
yes, i've enabled the MS GM synth in the midi settings, and also set the midi output of the track to that synth, just as described in the manual and on the reaper forums. i still don't get any sound.

anyone knows a fix for this?
maybe there's a different (vst) synth that can play back midi files of full songs (i don't need a drum/key/whatever sampler here, i need to hear the full song just as in GP)?
