Reaper MIDI Issue

Zack Uidl

Feb 4, 2008
Chicago, Illinois
What's up dudes,

So I am teaching these lectures at the University of Wisconsin this weekend and have a little down time tonight

I have these MIDI files that I did in Cubase, and decided to play around in Reaper just the play around with Reaper's routing, etc

Anyway, The imported MIDI does not play. It is a light blue color (Normally that darker green if that makes any difference in things) If I delete a MIDI note and re-input it, it will play (Superior 2.0 is on the track) However, if I don't do that for each individual MIDI note. . . . .No sound what-so-ever.

Any idea what is going on here?

Input from the Reaper users is greatly appreciated.
haha buddy you are on a diffrent midi channel :P open up the midi shit go to select all. right click one of the midinotes go to note properties and change the channel to 1 and then you should have drums again :)