Microsoft: the end of music


Dec 5, 2007
Deurne (BE)
Microsoft got something new: Songsmith. You sing in the microphone while songsmith creates a backing track that matches your melody, rythem etc under the conditions you set (kind of beats). Just sing, and you get the most wonderful music along with it.

I'd think this is a parody, but it seems it isn't.

Well it's not "the end of music" at all. That's like saying default settings on a computer = "omgz teh end of customization". Calm down.
I'm definetely going to throw some death growls at that.
I guess I now know why the national songcontest (mgp - don't remember what it is in england) sucked so much this year...
This looks awesome, I'm totally trying it :lol:

P.S. Agreed with swabs.
Apparently shitty commercial jingles from the 50s will be the end of music.
IMO myspace has fasten a lot the end of music. Tons of kids that don't even have a song, put out a myspace page, take artisy pics, get 89347583274 friends, and only after the'll consider writting a music, put 1-3 songs, and thinking is something original, innovative, and that it totally rocks, wen it's in fact PURE AIDS!
Actually, that's the BEGINNING of music. Today, most music is mass-produced, this will force people into making songs that 'do not sound like songsmith' :p