Microwaves - Contagion Heuristic

Nate The Great

What would Nathan do?
May 10, 2002
Microwaves – Contagion Heuristic
Crucial Blast Records – CBR56 – 11/07/2006
By Nathan Pearce


You’ll hear this band compared to The Jesus Lizard and The Melvins a million times for every other comparison you'll hear. But there’s much more to this band than simply a noise-rock comparison can do. Take a Voivod comparison, for instance. Sure Microwaves are MUCH noisier than Voivod ever was, but I believe the same underlying sense of musical adventure is a very common thread between all bands mentioned.

Microwaves has basically figured out a use for every effect and noise a guitar can make. I can’t be certain, but I think the entirety of this album was actually recorded without much, if any, studio manipulation. Microwaves’ guitarists make Tom Morello seem like a beginner when it comes to guitar trickery. However, the amazing thing is that all that trickery actually turns into some pretty damn kickin’ songs. Think of noise-rock/noise-metal with a sick-ass punk mentality.

I’m thoroughly impressed with these guys. Their ability to be original within the frame of an excellent song is truly unique. If you’re a fan of anything noisy and punk/metal, this is probably the album of the year for you.


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