mid-point of vacation: darkness drive

well, this was kind of a bust, except for that everything was bathed in the blue glow of the full moon. you could see everything, the hudson river tributary i was following, the old, barely used canal locks, the narrow steel bridges crossing it (that lead to ?).

on the way back there was an odd glow on top of a steel silo right near the roadside, but i think it was the moon reflecting off it. my optic nerve felt a little funny, but it must have been my imagination.

what was more striking, to me, was this little town called fort edward. the backwater highway i was following is dotted with decaying towns built along the hudson, which, for the most part, seemed dead this night. ft. edward, third in this line, saw a group of thug kids crossing the road, and up ahead of them a little, a girl on a bike with groceries in hand. more curious was the skinny kid sitting in an about-to-close convenient store, unwrapping a large container from a plastic bag. he started to eat from it as my light turned green, and i saw that there wasn't a vehicle in the parking lot that was parked for the duration, so he must have walked? if i were younger or less lethargic i think i would have gone in there and snooped around him.

but the big thing is, there's life after dark in forgotten stretches of upstate NY. why does this rattle the shit out of me??
little towns (anywhere) at night are a little creepy. whenever i have to take backroads through towns at night i'm always a little on guard.

it may be strange to be freaked out by small towns, but when you see weird shit like that i think it explains it all.
this reminds me of the time i was playing a murder victim in a film a friend was shooting out in some middle-of-nowhere tiny village in northwestern mass... i was leaving right after my scene was done but the rest of the group was staying to finish.

Anyway we're under an abandoned railroad bridge right near the center of town, which was basically just town hall, a general store, and the post office. I was covered in fake blood and bruises, my scene was done, so alone, i crawled up from underneath the bridge and walked down the main street to where my car was parked in front of the general store. the looks i got were unforgettable!