Midas M32 as recording console? Please help!


mixomatic 2000
Jun 7, 2010
New Zealand
I am currently working on building a studio but I am really stuck on what console/pres etc to run.
I don't have the budget to think about large format consoles but I do want as many inputs as possible.

For what I can tell the Midas M32 is the cheapest way to get 32 premium pre amps.
I really need/want at least 24 channels.

I am spending more of my budget getting the rooms right and sacrificing on the gear a little until I can afford to add or upgrade the set up but I want to start it with a bang, if I can.

I really only want the M32 for its pres and convertors as I will have some outboard comps etc but will do most of the mixing etc ITB so I am not worried about the eq or comp sections all that much.

Can anyone offer any thoughts about using this console this way or maybe recommend a way to get a similar amount of quality pres for the same price?

also can anyone tell me if this has insert points or the ability to integrate external pres and/or outboard?
I would go with allen & heath gsr24m instead

These look like very cool consoles for a hybrid setup.

The M32 is a slightly upgraded Behringer X32 and meant primarily for live use. I can't comment on how good the pres are or not. I use a variety of consoles live, but preamp quality is rarely something i have time to consider in that area.
These look like very cool consoles for a hybrid setup.

The M32 is a slightly upgraded Behringer X32 and meant primarily for live use. I can't comment on how good the pres are or not. I use a variety of consoles live, but preamp quality is rarely something i have time to consider in that area.

There are quite a few things different about this compared to the x32, the internal software is about the only thing they have in common at all, from what I can see.
The pre amps in the m32 are the same as the Heritage 3000 series consoles, famed for their sound.
As a live engineer myself I understand that in that environment pres are the last thing we consider BUT as this is 100% studio use only I do consider this as a serious question to ask.
Have you considered just getting a dl32?

I had not considered this specific one, no but had looked at other options similar to this.
If I was to go this way (in a recording studio) would gain etc be controlled via software?
What else would I need?
I honestly don't know. I'm fairly certain there is software control and it has ADAT and AES outs so you would need an interface with digital ins. I just always question the the rationale of digital consoles in the studio but if the routing and stuff are helpful then the M32 may be a good choice.
I honestly don't know. I'm fairly certain there is software control and it has ADAT and AES outs so you would need an interface with digital ins. I just always question the the rationale of digital consoles in the studio but if the routing and stuff are helpful then the M32 may be a good choice.

Yeah I agree that why it is such as struggle to choose.
The reality is that while I won't use a large amount of the included "digital stuff' with this desk I still couldn't get that many pres, convertors and a control surface for the same money without the stuff I won't use...
This makes it feel worth while buying it knowing I won't use some of this stuff.

The long term plan would be to replace this console with something else in the next 3 years at which time this can become a live desk, and then it will be useful in the long term.