"Sleeper" Analog consoles - Consoles that are untraditional and low cost

Well you always gonna lose some clients on whatever reasons they wanna give you. And for 10k you can get top of the line converters a couple of pres and some compressors. Better to build your studio gear as you go rather then buying some mid-end desk which you probably want to replace later on.
A local engineer around my parts has two Soundcraft Ghosts that he's completely recapped and modified. I drool whenever I see them.
Not sure what DAW you're on, but you could grab a used Control 24 for the control surface (got mine for $2000 near-mint with the updated PS) then dump the rest of the cash into nice converters and a few 500-series lunch boxes like was mentioned earlier. That way, you have an incredibly flexible and expandable setup, one that is nice in case you hit hard times. Selling a few 500-series unites to pay bills during a horrible dry spell is better than having to ditch an entire console and shooting yourself in the foot if times are bad.

That's my theory anyway. I'd love a LFC, but I don't think I could ever justify it these days. The Control 24 looks really damn nice, and it's a very effective control surface. They can be had for cheap, and I think they're more comfortable to work on than the new C|24's. Sure, ProTools will no longer "officially" support them after PT10, but that's a small worry for me.

Anyway, just a thought.
Im rocking Sonar X1 have been for years( not X1 but Sonar in general), just very comfortable with the workflow. I thought about an MCU pro and adding an expansion module then dumping the rest into a lunch box or 2.........

Decisions decisions!!
Just something I'd like to throw into the mix: how do people feel about the Midas Venice? Specifically the new line, the Venice F series. The whole built in firewire interface thing is pretty cool...

I use the Midas Venice for live sound reinforcement. They have GREAT preamps. I haven't tried the new versions, but the older models sound excellent.
Zed-r16 with Mackie Control beside it looks like this.
I am REALLY happy with this setup.
This Neve V 3 Is for sale on Larkings list


BARGAIN it's a great sounding Desk

So you hate the OP:lol:

V3 don't sound anything close to a VR imo.
And you need a control room designed for a LFAC, with separate machine room.
Neve VR and V heat a lot. And when I say a lot it's a lot (event a 9000J don't come close:OMG:). And forgot to say V serie are maintenance nightmare...
If you want make a career in as AE, buy a 4K. But if you want make a career as tech, buy a V serie...
Mikaël-ange;10283034 said:
So you hate the OP:lol:

V3 don't sound anything close to a VR imo.
And you need a control room designed for a LFAC, with separate machine room.
Neve VR and V heat a lot. And when I say a lot it's a lot (event a 9000J don't come close:OMG:). And forgot to say V serie are maintenance nightmare...
If you want make a career in as AE, buy a 4K. But if you want make a career as tech, buy a V serie...

But of course! Never said it was anything like a vr or not a nightmare to work on! but it's still a fair bit of desk for the Dosh.
But of course! Never said it was anything like a vr or not a nightmare to work on! but it's still a fair bit of desk for the Dosh.

Yeah, still workable but unless OP have deeper pocket than we know, this purchase is a great way to go bankrupt pretty fast.
I'm sure you know what we talk about when having this kind of beast at the studio, and what kind of overhead you need to have for run one (cost and maintenance wise). ;)
On the cheap for something big and funky. Check out like an old Tascam or Ramsa board. Ramsa over Tascam, the Ramsa's are more modern. But the old Tascam's can be really cool. They are pretty well built and look nice and big and cool.

Most "console" clients won't realize it since it isn't in a MF catalog. Others won't even call if a 4k or Neve isn't on your gearlist.

The old Tascams you can get the schematics and everything from Tascam. They are Thru-hole so easy to mod. Re-cap them, new op-amps, some upgrades to the power supply, and you have one hell of a console for damn cheap. Add some transformers for extra Mojo... mmmmm...

Even for now, plug in the power. Make sure all the lights work. Clients like lights.
Well you always gonna lose some clients on whatever reasons they wanna give you. And for 10k you can get top of the line converters a couple of pres and some compressors. Better to build your studio gear as you go rather then buying some mid-end desk which you probably want to replace later on.


Buying a console is dumb (no offence). Even buying a 10k console (which isn't even worth it but whatever), you're looking at an annual cost to you of at least 5000$ being generous. Parts,labor, a good tech, power...all these things add up.

i know it "looks" better to clients, but it will be a huge waste of money and you'll regret it forever. If you have 10k to spend, start buying some top end gear: converters/pres/mics/monitors, OR make what you have look incredible. If people are walking into your studio and walking out cause they don't see a console, then they need to be educated in the fact that that shit is old school and dumb. I split my time between a studio with a console, and a little overdub studio. Whenever I show bands the overdub studio, they immediately ask about whether they are sacrificing quality by using this "tiny room". All it takes is a 5 minute conversation about the tools YOU DO HAVE and generally their minds are put at ease.

Don't buy a console. Just don't do it. Most studios won't admit it, but almost every owner of every non iconic major studio is trying to think of ways to unload their consoles and adapt a more hybrid studio. I don't know what DAW you use, but a Eucon/Avid control surface, with a few great eqs and pres is way more of a draw for most then an aging soundcraft or something.

Buying a console is dumb (no offence). Even buying a 10k console (which isn't even worth it but whatever), you're looking at an annual cost to you of at least 5000$ being generous. Parts,labor, a good tech, power...all these things add up.

i know it "looks" better to clients, but it will be a huge waste of money and you'll regret it forever. If you have 10k to spend, start buying some top end gear: converters/pres/mics/monitors, OR make what you have look incredible. If people are walking into your studio and walking out cause they don't see a console, then they need to be educated in the fact that that shit is old school and dumb. I split my time between a studio with a console, and a little overdub studio. Whenever I show bands the overdub studio, they immediately ask about whether they are sacrificing quality by using this "tiny room". All it takes is a 5 minute conversation about the tools YOU DO HAVE and generally their minds are put at ease.

Don't buy a console. Just don't do it. Most studios won't admit it, but almost every owner of every non iconic major studio is trying to think of ways to unload their consoles and adapt a more hybrid studio. I don't know what DAW you use, but a Eucon/Avid control surface, with a few great eqs and pres is way more of a draw for most then an aging soundcraft or something.

Everything said here is 100% on-point. The pic of me in front of that SSL console...The manager of that studio (one of the largest productions facilities left in the US) has said almost the same exact thing to me. He's also said that once console emulation is refined and made more efficient, that LFC's won't look so attractive to even the big studios. Having worked on LFC's that are 25-30 years old, I understand that sentiment.