Midi drums issue with Kontakt/DrumMic'a

Oct 4, 2011
Montreal, Canada
So I made a template in reaper for writting midi drums and I don't get any sound when importing midi from guitar pro and putting it on the main Kontakt track.

The thing that's bugging me is that if I create a blank midi on that same track and draw the notes instead (same ones that are in the file that I'm trying to import) it works.

I'm kinda lost there. Surely there has to be a reason for this weird behaviour ?
I have different problem when port GP>Reaper (notes randomly get played by late offset)
Easy fix is to create empty midi clip in same length and copy - paste all NOTES from GP midi.
Maybe the GP midi has program change/volume info embedded?
Check at the beggining of your MIDI file.

In Cubase, I use the list editor and remove everything that's not a midi note (CC, PC...etc).
I'm sure there's a similar functionality in Reaper, or at least a way to see and remove these informations.
Highlight all the midi notes and change it to channel 1. There should be somewhere on the reaper midi editor that lets you change which channel the midi goes to.