MIDI keyboards?


Jan 10, 2005
Hey guys, I'm interested in getting a keyboard controller that I can use to program the basic parts of drums with EZD/DFHS. I've seen the little M-Audio keyboard controllers being recommended alot. Looking to *not* spend a ton of cash on one since I wouldn't use it too often, but I don't want a POS that will just be as bad as using a mouse.

Because the M-Audio Axioms have too many bells and whistles, I'm planning on going for an E-MU X Board, cuz I feel the company has a good reputation and it looks like just what I need.
Hmm, the EMU looks good, plus I like all of the instruments it comes with. I have a PC at home so I could utilize those very easily.

for drum stuff, i use a korg padkontrol, but i recently got a midi controller keyboard, i got the m-audio keystation 88es, it was cheap so what the hell.
Man that padKontrol looks pimp. That may be something I'd be more interested in than a keyboard. However, I would like to get something like Absynth down the road so the keyboard would come in more handy for that. However the immediate priority is to make drum programming easier. While I know that the keyboard and the padKontrol can both help with programming drums *and* doing the synth stuff, it just seems as though the padKontrol is more suited for drums.

I never liked those pad style controllers. I've had several and still have 2 Akai mpc 2000 (1 xl). I'd go with keys, in light of the fact you might get some V/synth's. Plus there are tons of free synths out there that kick ass.
+1 for the E-MU X Board 49. Had mine for a couple of years and it works excellently...I even bought it second-hand off ebay.
well if your interested i am looking to sell my padkontrol, i won't be using it soon, i just ordered a electronic drum kit for midi triggering.
its kind of pointless programming drums with a midi keyboard, you spend more time quantizing it later and making sure all the hits are where they should be etc

i got one for this purpose and never use it when making drums, only for comming up with synth ideas really
While I see where you are coming from, I've taken that into consideration. However, the purpose of using a keyboard to program some drums, as I should have clarified, for my needs is to just get some quick drums mapped out for scratch demo stuff to show other members of the band...I can tap on a keyboard in well-enough timing to do that without worrying about quantizing anything. The problem we are having is that programming drums just for a quick demo is taking too much time and is too tedious right now, my friend and I can make the beats really quickly using a keyboard and then track some guitars over it and be done with it instead of sitting there for over an hour tinkering with the drums just to get timing right for a part or whatever the situation may be.
