MIDI Map Wrapping


May 24, 2008
Austin, TX
Hey guys,

My drum sequencing skills are very basic but they get me by. However, I've recently been messing around with mixing different bits and pieces of kits from both Steven Slate and Superior Drummer and sometimes blending both together, and I've been getting very pleasing results. The problem is that the MIDI notes for both plugins are a bit different sometimes. For example, my half open/half closed hi-hat hits in Superior Drummer don't trigger anything in Steven Slate. I'd really like to rearrange the notes in either program to make them match up.

I know this is possible with map wrapping, but I don't really understand to do it. I've got EZ Player Pro open, and I've selected Steven Slate on the map wrap master list. But what do I do from here?

Sorry for the n00b question. :blush:
You already have EZ player?

Just follow the manual, step by step.

In the end it's just drag'n'droppin'.
->Midi part from DAW into EZ player, select the format(Kontakt/SD2.0, whatever), -> Midi part from EZ to DAW.
Sweet, I never realized it was that simple. I tried to follow the directions from the manual and had my MIDI wrapped and playing from within EZ Player, but was stumped on how to export anything or save the MIDI. But I didn't know that dragging it back to the DAW would actually save those wrapped changes. Thanks!
Yes that is exactly what I do when going from Superior to Slate mapping. Make sure you pick the right version of Slate too. I think it is either "kb" or "vd" on ezplayer menu. If you pick the wrong one for your version of slate you will not get all your cymbals translated. Just a/b the different modes and you will hear the difference.