Midnight Sakada 2005



Black Lotus Records 2005

It’s been a longtime since I heard anything from Midnight. Must have been the last
Record that, he did with Crimson Glory. I loved the voice, pretty unique sounding & great range. Many moons later, I find myself listening to a solo record by the man called Midnight. I wouldn’t have thought I would have hearing anything from him in 2005?! The title of the record is Sakada; I haven’t a clue what it means. I can tell you that is a eclectic musical journey, that ranges from material that could have been lifted from Zeppelin’s Physical Graffiti, Jane’s Addiction’s Nothing’s Shocking, combined with progressive rock tendencies & 60’s psychedelic rock.

Midnight hasn’t lost a bit of his vocal ability, in fact, he sounds better. “Well Seasoned,” I believe is the term that people in the biz use. The lyrics are at times abstract, but it’s the delivery that counts & the performance. For an independent label like Black Lotus, the production value is excellent. All the instruments sound superb & the vocals are up front & where they should be. There are nine tracks, of which all are outstanding, with the exception the title track Sakada, which to me sounds like a throw away from a Smashing Pumpkins record. The standouts are; Berber Trails, Little Mary Sunshine, War & Pain. I would highly suggest that you get your hands on this record, you will be pleasantly surprised. You might even find a little Midnight in your top 10 of 2005.

