Mie toivotan siut tervetulleeksi miun dynastiaan

fireangel said:
if someone would translate this for me, I would be very thankful :)

(source: a CD-Review from soundi.fi)

SubUrban Tribe - Manimal:
Pinnalta kaikki näyttää hyvältä. Yhtyeellä on historiaa ja uudella, kuudennella, kokopitkällä tarttuva nimi. Kansi on vähintäänkin kohtalainen ja bändi näyttää bändiltä: tukka hyvin, tatuoinnit esillä. Mutta levylautasella paljastuu nolo totuus. Kymmenvuotinen ura ei ole riittänyt opettamaan Suburban Tribelle, miten tarpeeksi iskeviä ja/tai tarttuvia biisejä tehdään. Ryhmä on kyllä pitänyt aikain saatossa huolen siitä, että sen kohdalla sanan metalli eteen on saanut sovittaa määreitä proge-, rap-, pop-, retro- ja grunge. Mutta varsinaista ikiomaa soundia yhtyeellä ei ole.
to outward appearances everything looks good. the band has history and the new 6th album has a catchy name. the cover is alright and the band looks like a band: hair is good and the tattoos show. but in the record the embarrassing truth reveals. its 10-year-old career hasn't taught suburban tribe to make songs that are catchy enough. the band doesn't have a sound of its own.

Manimalin lähimmäksi referenssiksi nousevat hetkittäin Kornin uudemmat gootahtavammat levyt, mutta kaikkiaan tunnelma vaikuttaa väljähtäneeltä. Jopa siinä määrin, ettei albumin päätyttyä mikään raita soi mielessä, eikä kuuntelukokemuksen toistaminenkaan ylenpalttisesti houkuttele.
manimal's closest reference are korn's new gothic albums, but all in all the atmosphere is flat. even so much that after listening to the album none of the songs gets stuck in your head and you're not too fascinated by the idea of listening to it again.

Albumin kuunteleminen onkin vähän niinkuin yrittäisi myötäelää Irina Björklundin ja Peter Franzénin "maailmanvalloitusta". Hommat yksinkertaisesti hoidetaan muualla paremmin; eipä eskimoille juuri ole kannattanut aiemminkaan lunta kaupata. Ja tässä onkin myös ESEKin ja muiden hyväveli-kerhojen itsetutkiskelun paikka. Jos en kovasti erehdy, kuluvan vuoden mittaan saa Gramexpress-lehdestä taas lukea, miten Suburban Triben jäsenten Keski-Euroopan matkailua tuetaan kaikissa mahdollisissa kategorioissa.
things are done better elsewhere. within the following year i'm sure we can read in Grameprexx magazine how the travelling of the band members in middle europe is supported in all possible categories.

Levy-yhtiö ilmoittaa yhtyeen edellistä levyä (Suburban Tribe, 2001) menneen maassamme kaupaksi 12 000 kappaletta. Siinä on riittävästi kannustinta ja perustetta työn jatkamiselle Suomessa, mutta ulkomaiden osalta voisivat EMI ja ESEK jo päästää vuoroon seuraavat jonossa odottavat. Sillä jos bändi tai artisti ei lähtökohdiltaan onnistu olemaan kovin originelli, saisiko toivoa että se tekisi omassa genressään mieleenpainuvaa tai edes vakuuttavaa musaa?
record company says that the previous album (suburban tribe 2001) has sold 12 000 copies in our country. that's enough to keep up with the work in finland, but when it comes to foreign countries EMI and ESEK should give a chance for the other bands waiting in line. because if a band or artist isn't too original can we wish for it to make unforgettable or even convincing music in its own genre?

bleh.. ah well i hope you get the point :p he doesn't think suburban tribe is original enough. and he thinks they're boring :p
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Wow. I read the entire thread from front to back and I feel like such and idiot now.

ouagadougou said:
"to outward appearances everything looks good. the band has history and the new 6th album has a catchy name. the cover is alright and the band looks like a band: hair is good and the tattoos show. but in the record the embarrassing truth reveals. its 10-year-old career hasn't taught suburban tribe to make songs that are catchy enough. the band doesn't have a sound of its own."
KIITOS PALJON!! :) You helped me truly much! :wave:

I am thinking about this record for a while, so I can relate to that above also. Though I disagree on that they haven´t learned to write songs, because the latest record was such a masterpiece, and they have several great songs on previous records, too... And usually they have "their sound". I only have problems with this one :erk:

(note: rahvin, I´ll explain more in mail....)
ouagadougou said:
and yea, SubUrban Tribe sure is a great album :p i've only heard 2 songs from the new one, so don't have an opinion on it yet

dont let yourself scare by anyone else´s opinion on it; so good that you haven´t decided yet. :) And anyhow, in Sue/SFP it got 9/10 points, so..
For some reason I don't like SubUrbanTribe. :confused:
I think they're too pop-like. Not that it is necessarily anything bad.

Damn, I won't see Profane Omen this time either. :( I have made other arrangements, i.e. my friend's birthday party.
rahvin said:
you people are trying to make me listen to this suburban tribe thingy so then i can properly fight with at least some of you, right? :erk:

*sets up a download queue*
no, I don´t want that. I am terribly fed up with discussing/fighting about them, still I had to find out what is in this review. It was more kind of a personal topic made public... or so.... It is not my problem what anyone else thinks about them, they are free to decide whatever pleases them. I just have a problem with myself, with the band and with my friend :(

But: check out "Swallow", "The Weight" and "Cancer", those are the best IMHO

Lolita: there is a next gig in april. maybe then?
fireangel said:
Lolita: there is a next gig in april. maybe then?
Oh nice. :)
But Williami told me last week that they won't do gigs in Helsinki in six months or so... :confused: Maybe I'll see them at festivals at least.

EDIT: just talked to Williami and he said they're probably doing a gig on 19th March
Lolita Vampiriá said:
Oh nice. :)
But Williami told me last week that they won't do gigs in Helsinki in six months or so... :confused: Maybe I'll see them at festivals at least.

EDIT: just talked to Williami and he said they're probably doing a gig on 19th March

the gig I meant is April 23th in Lahti, with Cryhavoc. But there are always coming up gigs in short notice, and sometimes they don´t know themselves until few weeks ago ;)
Well, I can´t go to any of those :cry:, not before June or so at least...