Mikael Stanne vs Pop(e): new interview

Blabbermouth couldn't have twisted this more - "DARK TRANQUILLITY Frontman Wants To Abolish Religion".

What a shitty headline. So, just because I prefer the idea of a personal belief to the jihad apparently I, too, want to abolish religion. :rolleyes:

edit: And, yes, I read the rest of the interview and it still doesn't sum up to him being up in arms and starting his own crusade to free the world from religion.
Heh, he probably didn't like Reinkaos because after all it is a religious album. Nice interview.
Is this any sort of a surprise to anyone? For me, every sane person on this earth agrees with him; world would be a better place without religion.

Everything he says is right, and alot of what he says is pretty touching. He's making statements based on the interest of his family and daughter. Anyone who criticizes him for that deserves a fucking smack.

And although no in flames questions were uttered, I personally find it interesting that Stanne and Friden have both had daughters in the not so distant past and it has come into effect in their writing and attitudes toward their career (as one might expect)... But even more interesting is the fact that Stanne wrote a fictional album, where the other albums were clearly emotional and about real incidents, people, places and times. Maybe having a daughter was one of the reasons he distanced himself in the lyrical subject matter from the things about his reality that cause him pain or anguish?
For me, every sane person on this earth agrees with him;

Do not confuse what you wish with what is real. Strong in your opinion, yes; oblivious to those of others, it would be foolish. Sane people on this earth hold to many different ideas, and even if you're positive you have the right one, they still refute it.
But even more interesting is the fact that Stanne wrote a fictional album, where the other albums were clearly emotional and about real incidents, people, places and times. Maybe having a daughter was one of the reasons he distanced himself in the lyrical subject matter from the things about his reality that cause him pain or anguish?
Maybe he's happy now? ;) In this case, it would make perfect sense to get the lyrics from fictional characters and situations. Much better than writing lyrics about the anguish of changing diapers, the horrid smell of baby poopies and the pain of waking up at night from baby cries. :D

Let's not forget DT is about change and evolvement, and this is a lyrical change in a way.
Maybe he's happy now? ;) In this case, it would make perfect sense to get the lyrics from fictional characters and situations. Much better than writing lyrics about the anguish of changing diapers, the horrid smell of baby poopies and the pain of waking up at night from baby cries. :D

Let's not forget DT is about change and evolvement, and this is a lyrical change in a way.

Yeah yeah, I agree. Although I never thought he would have written "fictionally" due to his happiness, and now and finding it harder to see the darkness within himself or whatever. I sort of assumed if there was darkness he might have matured to the point where he couldn't face writing angsty lyrics about a life he should be greatful for (With him now having a daughter he loves etc). but the happier now thing sounds more possitive. :p Anyway, don't want to go too off topic, just another inflames dark tranquillity similarity this interview made me shamefully realise. :oops:
I think that the reason why most people hold on to some sort of religion is because they don't feel worthy enough to go by their own standard, nor strong enough to face reality on their own, so they resort to following the ideals of a "higher power", and ask for its aid with everyday problems.

As for religious people, sometimes when they ask their favorite target of faith for help, they get it. It can't really be said if there's "something" out there watching for them, or if it's the power of their own mind what obscurely solves their problems, but it is for certain that many things that can't be explained would not have happened if the people to whom those things occurred had not been religious.

I, for one, believe there's something out there, but I do not consider myself as a believer of any established religion.
To me organized religion is pointless, there are a ton of them. They all have people firmly believing that theirs is the right one, each following their own little holy book(s). Evidence backing them all up is scarse, and somehow everyone in a religion thinks that the other religions are kidding themselves. If you think about it, chances are if one really is correct the one you believe in is not it.
@Nega: You're kidding yourself! If you think about it, chances are that what you believe in^ is not correct either.

Very interesting interview. Good questions and good answers. Finally Stanne summed up the songwriting process that was discussed here from time to time. It actually resembles what Martin H. once told (me) how it works. I find it interesting that Jivarp comes up with a lot of melodies on the piano, and Martin turns it into riffs or leads.
But I disagree on the religion-issue. In fact I am a bit dissapointed by Stanne - I actually thought he is able to have a more sophisticated view on this. This "religion is stupid, the world would be a better place without it" is just a bit of a platitude. I was raised without religious beliefs, I am not baptized, and I did not have to attend the religious eductation class in school, so I am rather biased to the anti-religious view - and I have my personal, yes, philosophy. But in fact, if one looks closer at our own behaviour, our moral standards, especially in the western world, lots of stuff - moral issues - stem from the 10 commandments, as christianity preaches it. I don't like the dogmatic approach, I dont like indoctrination, but one should reflect a bit on where all our "nice behaviour" comes from. Religion is important, if one likes to call it philosophy, that's ok. I know some people that are the nicest and most successful in their respective lifes , and I trace this back on their strong believe in god, church and religion. It's easy to say religion is bad, but one should look a bit at the other side of the coin and try to see the positive effect it had on the structure of our society. There are actually people that need religion. In fact, I rather have a guy that believes in god, instead of this mentally deranged Dissection guy, that fucks up his life completely. Killing someone, going to jail, diving further into this satan-anti-cosmic shit while in prison and then killing himself - a very successful guy.
I dont believe in anything that can't be proven siren. :)

Is that, you don't believe in anything you can't comprehend proof for or just that can't be proven? because I don't know how they prove alot of things, but they happen.

I can prove creation (while negating a deity and without negating the stages of evolution). We're here. Even if it wasn't some bearded guy with a sick sense of humour in a toga. We crawled forth from the primordial goo. Our plannet had a sufficient enough environment for life to evolve. Our plannet provided us with life and all the things we need to continue living. Tree's take from the earth and air and give us air in return. The sun warms the oceans and causes rain through the water cycle so we have a substance we can drink. And we take and take from the earth, our ultimate mother and home, and give nothing back. Feels pretty selfish to me. So I dislike alot of humans including myself. I dislike religious people who smoke up this plannet while thinking "It's ok cos when I'm dead I'll go to heaven and smoke monkey pole with god". Sick facists. Not that I actually worship the earth but if anything is god or actual and worth a humans worship, the sun, the air, the earth and the oceans are it.
Hehe, yeah those luciferians (and I mean this without pun, I'm not trying to insult anyone) follow their beliefs as blindly as extremist christians follow theirs, except anti-cosmic beliefs are a bit more destructive, to say the least :p

Of course mental estability is a must-have quality for anyone trying to get a serious job.

I think most of our present values come from a wide array of sources, religion might be one of them, and an important one at that, along with roman law (which in turn borrows alot from greek law and stuff) and others; The problem with religion is that while it impregnates people with some good values, it also comes with a nice package of intolerance and some ridiculous beliefs, et cetera.
Is that, you don't believe in anything you can't comprehend proof for or just that can't be proven? because I don't know how they prove alot of things, but they happen.

I can prove creation (while negating a deity and without negating the stages of evolution). We're here. Even if it wasn't some bearded guy with a sick sense of humour in a toga. We crawled forth from the primordial goo. Our plannet had a sufficient enough environment for life to evolve. Our plannet provided us with life and all the things we need to continue living. Tree's take from the earth and air and give us air in return. The sun warms the oceans and causes rain through the water cycle so we have a substance we can drink. And we take and take from the earth, our ultimate mother and home, and give nothing back. Feels pretty selfish to me. So I dislike alot of humans including myself. I dislike religious people who smoke up this plannet while thinking "It's ok cos when I'm dead I'll go to heaven and smoke monkey pole with god". Sick facists. Not that I actually worship the earth but if anything is god or actual and worth a humans worship, the sun, the air, the earth and the oceans are it.

I think I used a poor choice of words when I picked "believe". I believe your second paragraph is mostly truth because over the years scientists have come together to bring us a conclusion on how the world was made, and most of the answers point to what you are telling us. I would not stake my life on this tho because maybe everyone is wrong. Only when creation is proven to the world without a doubt would I be willing to. I don't use an I'm right and you're wrong mentallity when it comes to creation, more "well chances are..so this seems to be the logical choice for now until we get it right".