Russel Allen® said:
I shouldn't be saying this, but I'm feeling I'm going to be punished somehow... I don't know... maybe banned, anyway...
Jax usually plays hard, I don't like her way of running a forum, I run a forum myself (well, nothin' prog-SympX-metal related anyway) and I know how hard is to deal with some members. But you know, yelling and playing God (like someone said before) will not help. Do more and talk less. Please, I believe most of the users hate when words like "idiot" appear, or people who do not tolerate criticism, and being that way make you not quite fine to run a forum, or be in a forum at all. Like I said, do more and talk less. If u think a user deserves banishment or some punishment, just do it and DON'T FORGET to explain the reason. Don't need to come here and say "oh, look how powerful I am, you better cut it out or I'll kick your *ss!".
Jax has already locked some posts of mine (like that one asking WHEN, for the LOVE of GOD, will SymphX come to Brazil!) with apparently no reason, I couldn't even get an answer of why my topic was blocked at all! This isn't appropriate, Jax. So take it easy, especially with the newbies. Symphony X forums there are a lot, although this is the official. Remember that building this authoritary image of yours could even burn the good reputation of the band, since you appears to be personal friend of them.
I don't care if any users will agree with me or not, in fact spare me of flaming. This is just my opinion, and I believe it to be an appropriate time to say it.
That's all.
Get ready, this is gonna be rediculous, but I have my reasons for this.
I really disagree with (cross) Russel Allen (cross) (R in the O) on alot of his points. Some of them he's right on, but others he's really wrong.
Wchuck did call Jax, who is the moderator of this forum, an idiot. I'm all for freedom of speech and shit, but this forum isn't a democracy. We don't vote for moderators. So calling Jax aan idiot does deserve some punnishment, even if it's bannishment for just like an hour or something. She didn't go all Iron Fisted Tyrant and bannish him for a month. No. She let wchuck off, because he's new, and most likely didn't yet recognize Jax's position in here.
The way I see it, Jax isn't running this like a concentration camp. This forum is and has been running just fine, since I joined. I've only seen shit happen only twice, and both issues were about Symphony X's music being pirated. (Or the 2nd one was at least.) I don't know how many of you caught that thread that lasted like a half hour, that had a link to a place where you can download the Guitar Chapter. I caught it.
Anyway, I'm not gonna point e-fingers at the person who did it, but I, and probably also Jax, know(s) who the person was, but I don't think he/she was bannished. And saying that I took advantage of this link (and I'm sorry that I did. kindof.)probably won't get me banned.
The whole philosophy of "Do more, talk less" is good, except for one thing: Talking to people never hurt anybody. On the Kamelot forums, some of the moderators are some of the most frequent posters, and it runs just fine. If my band gets big enough that we require an official forum, whoever we get to moderate it, (knowing my obsession with forums, it'll probably be me.) I'll tell them to be cool about it and to talk a bit. I myself feel like things go more securely whenever Jax posts.
About Jax's locking your threads and posts about Sym. X coming to Brazil, there was most likely a reason for it. I can't speak for her, but it was probably because they seemed more like complaints rather than just straight up questions.
Thats pretty much all that my mind can come up with for now, but the reason I'm doing this, is because I really don't think that Jaxx is doing a bad job. And Yes. I am aware of how many people posted thoughout the span of my typing this.