ptah knemu said:
this forum isn't a democracy
ptah knemu said:
So calling Jax aan idiot does deserve some punnishment
TOTALLY agreed.
ptah knemu said:
On the Kamelot forums, some of the moderators are some of the most frequent posters, and it runs just fine.
Well, agreed again. But each one is individual in its way of doing things. That's not really a problem to me.
ptah knemu said:
they seemed more like complaints rather than just straight up questions
Well, sorry 'bout that, I didn't mean to complain at all. SympX has already come to Brasil once and I believe that wouldn't be a problem if a 2nd come happens.
ptah knemu said:
I really don't think that Jaxx is doing a bad job.
Neither do I. Actually I never said that, nor read anybody with a little bit of good sense say anything about it.
Jax said:
I don't guess I need lessons
Who am I to teach anybody anything?

just expressed my opinion, that's all...
Jax said:
I don't recall locking your tour topic, nor do I recall you asking why, but I'm sure there was a valid reason. My apologies if I missed a private message from you about it.
Valid or not, I respected the lockup and didn't even sent you any message asking why was it closed. I mean, that's totally true that the forum HAS rules, and they're meant to be respected. I really just putted this issue to the topic to enforce my previous statement, but I really had no intentions to re-ascend any discussions about any past issue concerning this kind of thing.
Uhh, just finishing, I sincerely consider myself as a privileged member of this forum, 'cause I feel here that, one way or another, I'm in a closer contact with the band, and privileged to be in touch with SX fans all around the world. You see, this is what Internet is for. Integration, that's what I like about all this. And integration lightened by such a great band like SX is just great. I've been here for quite a while and been through very intensive and good discussions. So that's why I took the liberty of putting my "nose" on this one.
Now, I believe that we should all turn this page and move foward, 'cause this topic has now lost all its initial sense.