Mike shoots down loser at San Diego show


Sep 16, 2003
San Diego
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Last night, some nu metal dickhead goes, "Hey Mike, drop it down to D and really rock!"

Mikael, who happens to be tuning his guitar, waits a beat, turns around and says, with a sly grin, "you know, D isn't always brutal".

Shut that guy the fuck up!

Bravo Opeth for a great fucking show!
haha, I remember that...he strummed the 3 high strings of a D major chord instead.
There were alot of people there for DevilDriver I was surprised. Such a following for such a shit band. I was yelling out for them to play suffocation and emperor songs since they were wearing the shirts. Like the one guy in seattle or something did for the cryptopsy shirt, seemed like a great idea...
wonder if they just wore those shirts as some sort of lame appeal to Opeth fans. so what if they like emperor and suffocation, they're making crappy nu-metal! Imagine what Ishan would think if he saw that.

thats so classic though, wonder if the guy even got it
fadingessence said:
wonder if they just wore those shirts as some sort of lame appeal to Opeth fans. so what if they like emperor and suffocation, they're making crappy nu-metal! Imagine what Ishan would think if he saw that.

thats so classic though, wonder if the guy even got it

Worrying about t-shirts is even more superficial than complaining about the off-topic forum being removed.
What the FUCK!? Theuy wore Emrepor tees and didn't even play cosmic keys to my creations and times? what a bunch of losers!

YEAH! Mike owned that loser really bad! HAHAH!
I just pictured myself asking that question to Mike and then seeing him actually strum a higher pitched D for me...I'd feel sooo very pwned at that point. Man, sucks to be that guy that night. :lol:
This thread is dumber than worrying about which t-shirt the Devildriver bassist is wearing.

Did it ever occur to you guys that Blackwater Park and Demon of the Fall are both in Drop-6 (d) tuning? Maybe the dude wanted to hear these songs.

No, he was "pwned." Fucking kids....:bah:
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I was thinking the same thing Mr. Niel. Nothing wrong with a Little Drop D. Anyone notice they play teh Drop D songs back to back? At the end of the set? wow...amazing. So actually that kid was asking them to hurry up and get the show over with! :tickled:
Mr. Niel said:
This thread is dumber than worrying about which t-shirt the Devildriver bassist is wearing.

Did it ever occur to you guys that Blackwater Park and Demon of the Fall are both in Drop-6 (d) tuning? Maybe the dude wanted to hear these songs.

No, he was "pwned." Fucking kids....:bah:
That's irrelevant to what Mike did after that request. Either way, the guy got rejected. Still kinda humorous when I think about it.
i was there at the show!!!

i was the one that said "I LOVE YOU" to opeth.. very ackward silence and everyone looked at me weird... dont really give a shit... since i love those guys.. and i also was the one who said; "SHOW YOUR TITS" to opeth.. aaahhaha

one cool part of the show was when it was really quite while they tuned their guitars and i yelled "DELIVERANCE" and mike said.. this is Deliverance.. !!!! dont know if that song was next but man.. i felt like he was doing taht just for me!

devil driver sucked dont know if anyone heard me yell MIDGET to him.. i had my arms crossed through out that show.. and i didnt see anyone with an emperor shirt. the main singer had a Motorheard shirt and the bassplayer had a six feet under shirt