Mike shoots down loser at San Diego show

foulwing said:
devil driver sucked dont know if anyone heard me yell MIDGET to him.. i had my arms crossed through out that show.. and i didnt see anyone with an emperor shirt. the main singer had a Motorheard shirt and the bassplayer had a six feet under shirt
he was hanging around with an Emperor shirt before&after the show.
Mr. Niel said:
This thread is dumber than worrying about which t-shirt the Devildriver bassist is wearing.

Did it ever occur to you guys that Blackwater Park and Demon of the Fall are both in Drop-6 (d) tuning? Maybe the dude wanted to hear these songs.

No, he was "pwned." Fucking kids....:bah:

Were you at the show? Yes, BWP and Demon are in drop D, Mikael acknowledged as much, but the context of the dude's remark led me to believe that he was a nu metaler. Dude, San Diego's rock scene is still dominated by the whole nu metal vibe, including local bands, and the local rock station (which blows chunks smaller than nobody's).

And this fucking kid will be 36 next week. ;)
foulwing said:
devil driver sucked dont know if anyone heard me yell MIDGET to him.. i had my arms crossed through out that show.. and i didnt see anyone with an emperor shirt. the main singer had a Motorheard shirt and the bassplayer had a six feet under shirt

One guitarist had a The Haunted shirt. The bald headed guitarist had a long sleeve Emperor: IX Equillibrium shirt, The long haired bassist had a Suffocation shirt, and their shit singer had a Motorhead shirt.
I actually got The Haunted shirt guy's attention when i flipped the band off when everyone else was giving the horns. As much as that band sucks, I felt like an asshole afterwards, but hey I'm still proud of it.
I wonder how many Opeth fan's world would crumble if the Devildriver singer (not to mention Mike) had a New Kids On The Block shirt on at the next show.
I'd rather be proud about shutting the fuck up and getting a beer or something during Devildriver's set rather than giving him the finger, yelling stupidities and what not, like every other 'proud' Opeth fan.
foulwing said:
the main singer had a Motorheard shirt
He was wearing the Motorhead shirt at the show in Anaheim on Friday. :ill: I was wondering what was smelling so funky that night. Moonspell smelled even worse! I know they have showers at the HOB's! For Pete's sake, find a laundromat!!!
I'm proud to say Mikael played Lady Fantasy by Camel at my request (some seconds of it, actually). I thought it was awesome so I shouted out "YEEAAHHH!!" and Mikael said "Who the fuck was that?"


hoahaohaaohaohaoa!!! :D
What a night.
morbidtism said:
I yelled out "SIMON AND GARFUNKEL" during the mellow bit after Mikaels solo classical bit during "A Fair Judgement", totally premeditated but got quite a few laughs hehe



yeah.. ahahaha i noticed he played camel.. it was cool! i was like :OMG: