Mike Tramp...go there!!

For me it is....but with a different kind of music.

When it comes to melodic rock, for me there's nothing like Tramp.And since he's such a nice, unspoiled and warmhearted guy I cannot but admire him as a person and musically and support him in every way I can since he deserves it more than anyone else.

Although I'm not into ballads, check "The Good, the sad and the ugly" on the new album and let me know if you have ever heard a more touching piece of music, a lyrically stronger ballad song than this one...not to forget the unbelievable guitar solos by Eric Johnson in it.

Look forward to a real special show, Paxo...
Cheers Karsten. I did remember! I'll be there with my brother, I'll let you know what I thought of the show. That's if I remember anything of the show that is! The last time I went to a gig with my brother was to see Hurricane Party. I got so p****d, I could hardly remember the show! :lol:
Well, looking forward to hearing your thoughts on this one...you UK folks are lucky to see the very last 4 Mike Tramp solo shows ever before he continues with White Lion next year...last name I heard as a member for them was Warren de Martini on guitar (former Ratt and Whitesnake)
Well what can I say, I was well impressed with Mike Tramp. Despite not knowing any of his songs I still really enjoyed it. Every song was really good, but the highlight was 'Rocking in the free world', with a medley of 'The boy's are back in town' and 'We will rock you' thrown in for good measure.

Thanks Karsten for recommending the gig, it's been a while since I enjoyed a gig as much as last nights.
Cool...glad you liked what you saw and heard....you are right, this show has no real lowpoint, he chose the best from his huge back catalogue (10+ albums).
If you want any of my recordings, just drop me a note...I was even allowed a soundboard feed in Chur/Switzerland last saturday...

Looking forward to what the White Lion reunification will bring...they are already confirmed co-headliner for next years "Bang Your Head" Festival in Balingen/Germany...second largest metal festival in Germany after the Wacken thing...

Best from Munich, Germany

I have already emailed you Karsten about you sending me some of your recordings, cheers mate.

It was a pretty poor crowd last night to be honest, maybe 50-100, but probably nearer 50 than 100! But all credit to Mike Tramp, despite the poor attendance he still gave 100%. He played for about 2 hours, which was pretty good.

The only down note of the evening was the cost of the ticket. It was £12 in advance, but we got our tickets on the night and it cost £15! As good as Mike Tramp was, it wasn't a £15 show!

There were two support bands apparently. We missed the first band but unfortunately caught the second band! I can't remember what they were called, which is just as well because they were total rubbish!
Wow...that's really a lot of money here...

Over here in continental europe tickets were always below 20 Euros ranging from 12-16 Euros most of the time.The t-Shirts were also reasonably priced with only 15 Euros, CDs were 12-14 Euros (below the record store price which is somewhere between 15 and 18 Euros for a CD these days).

I can only imagine that London itself is more expensive or that the venue set up the (high) price here...

The attandance was also poor over here, pretty much the same numbers you just brought up...between 50-100 persons most of the time..the other ones didn't know what they missed...

Haven't receved your emails yet...Did you send them over the message board email service??


Still no sign of your emailing...sent a test message to myself over the message board and found it in my mailbox just seconds later...don't know what went wrog here, you should probably resend it...

Well, again no email from you on my end here..

What is strange is that it works for me the way you aparently did it ...another test message I just sent using the email button underneath my own posting arrived just seconds later in my mailbox...

Anyway, please send your emailing to


I let you know once I receive your message...


Yep...email arrived safely this time...No clue what might have gone wrong the frst two times...

Already responded to your message..
Has anyone been to last nights show in Dudley or is anyone planning to go to Bradford (tomorrow) or Nottingham (tonight)??

If so, please fill me in on how you like the show and if there was something special about these very last two Tramp solo shows ever..
As I just said I was at the JB's gig last night, Mike was awesome as ever :loco:
It cost 11 pounds on the door to get in, there was no support some Mike had to warm up the crowd, which he did brilliantly. I say crowd, but that is untrue, there were around 100 people there, a poor turn out indeed. Mike was disappointed about this but rocked his heart out nonetheless. Last year there were loads more people at JB's to see him, where were they this time????. The special thing about Mike is that after the gig he and the band always take time to meet fans, sign stuff, have photos taken and have a chat. It was a great night without doubt, White Lion won't be the same but I look forward to it all the same and Mike did say that he's carrying on his solo work too. I just hope that there is enough support in the UK to bring him and White Lion back over here, he provides such a good night out. :Spin:
Thank you Cinders for your thoughts about the Dudley gig...I can only second 100% what you said.
I don't know what to think about this White Lion reunion..I like his current solo stuff way better (Mike feels pretty much the same) but he is forced to do so because he can no longer lose money on every show they play when the crowd receiption is so poor...Told me that he had to reunite White Lion because of the great offers he received from the huge festivals with White Lion..

Tonights the very last chance in Bradford..Whished I could be there...
