Mike's chicken pox

definitely not,
sorry for you guys.

i still remember in 2000, the 12th of february opeth had to play in milan with the gathering and my dying bride, but they didn't.

and there were no internet still, not so diffused as today anyway
so no-one could really know in advance that opeth would not be there.

that had to be my first opeth show, which turned out to be the 21st november 2001 with katatonia and novembre, in milan again :)

hope they'll play at evolution, since it's not so far that day...
Google is your friend..

Varicella zoster virus (VZV) is one of eight herpes viruses known to infect humans (and other vertebrates). It commonly causes chicken-pox in children and both shingles and postherpetic neuralgia in adults.
omg, mike has herpes???

seriously, i so hope he gets better. i know all the endless touring must be getting to him, affecting his vocal cords and such, i blieve the same kind of thing happened with maynard (tool)
omg, mike has herpes???

Nah, it's more like this:
omg, i lol'd at that pic, i dunno why.
wait a minute, isn't this a part of another thread?
anyway i had thought at first that mike had some kind of serious illness or something, or had done some major damage to his vocal cords. i'm sure all the constant screaming and shit must at some point wreak havoc on a man's vocal cords, even for a trained vocalist like mike. but if all he has is chicken pox, he'll get over it in a few days. i'd give him a week at most. lol, hey mike, get well soon!!! bock-bock!! rofl
but if all he has is chicken pox, he'll get over it in a few days. i'd give him a week at most. lol, hey mike, get well soon!!! bock-bock!! rofl

Actually chicken pox in adults is more dangerous than it is to children, people have died from them. But I'm sure Mike'll be just fine.
I'm a bit devastated, now. I was going to Graspop just for Opeth. Thank God there are some other fine bands playing that day...

Mike, get well soon! Now I'm definitely going to the Tilburg gig.
Chicken Pox sucks for adults. Shit kicked my ass for a good week. Get better Mike !!